Why not do something amazing for the world’s most vulnerable children? Who are you trying to help?
The Children of Yemen – a forgotten conflict Where is Yemen?
LONDON What do we know about Yemen?
Key Facts about Yemen Yemen is the Arab world’s poorest country. Although there has been unrest for many years, there has been a particularly violent war there for the past 3. The war is between Houthi rebels and supporters of Yemen’s internationally recognised government. Reasons for the fighting are highly complex and many foreign countries are also involved. Millions of civilians – including children – have lost their homes and live in severe poverty, malnourished and without shelter. Save the Children estimated that at least 50 000 died just in 2017 (an average of 130 per day). The following extract was sent for you to read for background information: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/21/yemen-young-children-dead-starvation-disease-save-the-children
There are 3 categories you can enter: ‘Words not Weapons’ is a national creative writing competition to help build awareness of the impact of the crisis on children in Yemen: https://vimeo.com/300749956/fedae9e758 (clip: 3mins) There are 3 categories you can enter: Short story Poetry Persuasive letter Word limit = 500 words Aim: ‘To show how words, not weapons, will bring peace to Yemen.’
National Prizes All national participants will receive a ‘Young Voices of Excellence Certificate’. 20 winners will then be selected nationally. National prizes will include: Winners’ entries will be printed in a book alongside Yemeni children’s messages. Each school will receive a copy of the completed book. Pupils will present the book to the UK Government and talk about what they have learned. The opportunity to connect with young people from Yemen. Invitation to the ‘Young Voices of Excellence Awards Ceremony’.
So, why not do something amazing for the world’s most vulnerable children? If you are interested in entering, then please attend the following meeting with Miss Stamp. Date: Wednesday 16th January Time: 1pm Room: H3
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ----- - Margaret Mead In 1925, Margaret Mead journeyed to the South Pacific territory of American Samoa. She sought to discover whether adolescence was a universally traumatic and stressful time due to biological factors or whether the experience of adolescence depended on one's cultural upbringing.