Leading Change for Mastery Heidi Whitney Primary Mastery Lead Jurassic Math Hub /
Aims In this session you will have the opportunity to explore further your understanding of mastery and how to implement change in your own school. You will have an opportunity to begin to: evaluate your schools progress in developing mastery identify your schools next steps and key actions consider what will be achieved at specific points of the journey Completing Implementation Attaining Consistency Achieving Quality
Evaluate your schools progress in developing mastery Do you have the Principles and Beliefs? Adapted Audit tool from Glow Maths Hub- http://www.glowmathshub.com/ You cubed – every one can https://vimeo.com/173324233 Activity …In pairs (5mins)
Evaluate your schools progress in developing mastery Do you have the Principles and Beliefs? Do you have the Structures in place? Activity …In pairs
Managing Mastery - school leader interviews Anthony Mitchell Where pupils sit in lessons https://vimeo.com/196564778#t=5m04s https://www.ncetm.org.uk/resources/49822
Evaluate your schools progress in developing mastery Do you have the Principles and Beliefs? Do you have the Structures in place? Do your teachers have the Knowledge and Understanding? Activity …In pairs Staff Learning and collaboration https://vimeo.com/196564778#t=11m11s
Consider what will be achieved at specific points of the journey Completing Implementation Attaining Consistency Achieving Quality Lorraine Tonk Concrete evidence https://vimeo.com/203074430#t=20m28s
You should now have….. Clarity about your schools next steps and the key actions for Mastery which you will have begun to develop into a strategic plan. h.whitney@dorsetcc.gov.uk