Lesson five Strengthing club work
Let’s work on our making our clubs stronger! Conversation is a journey What if we went on a journey and took the same route, all the time? We would pass the same trees, signs, and rocks. It would be very boring! This is the same with conversations! If you keep talking about the same things over and over, your conversations are going to get boring! A good conversation should leave you feeling that your club has raised some new ideas and questions and that you are leaving thinking differently about an issue than you did when you came to the conversation.
Please answer this question after you hear this video clip. Stop and jot! What moves can people make to help a conversation to deepen and grow richer? Please answer this question after you hear this video clip. https://vimeo.com/145312922
Conversation moves that can help conversation to grow richer and deeper Add on new thinking to what was just said. (“Yes, and also…”) Bring in new information and say how it connects and what it adds. (“This is important because…”) Raise a new perspective. (“Or could it be…?” or “But what about…?”) Say what the conversation is making you realize/think that is new. (“This conversation is making me start to realize…”)