SALISBURY GROUP OVERVIEW Salisbury offices Salisbury managed sites SALISBURY GROUP OVERVIEW 10+ million net square feet portfolio c. 75,000+ calls per annum are handled by our in-house 24/7/365 Help Desk 160+ customers and tenants across the public and private sectors 200+ robust, vetted & high calibre partners in supply chain £44m turnover 24/7 Help Desk supported by latest Maximo 7.6 software 421 directly managed employees 50,000 + reactive activities undertaken annually 11 critical operating environments and data centres c. 80,000+ planned maintenance activities undertaken annually
The Problem Software Data Processes Trust
One version of the truth Goals One version of the truth Simplification Automate Processes Integrate systems
Maximo & Vetasi Detailed tender Lots of challenges Outsourced Engineering team - Cognito
OK, not a disaster! …but some setbacks Operational changes Tablets became OUR problem
Happier Clients Doing more with the same 2 clients to 140 clients Significantly improved service 60% improvement in monthly measured performance Happier Clients From 3 to 4.5 in satisfaction surveys
Lessons Learned 1. Engage with the business 2. Hire / allocate a really good project manager 3. Get close to your suppliers 4. Allocate internal resource 5. Don’t skimp on the training 6. Communicate, communicate, & communicate
A Cautionary tale of Decisions & Decisions Not Made
Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how?
130 Engineering staff about to join the company. Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how? Helpdesk Call Logging & Assignment, Dashboards, Compliance and Reporting. Delivery all supplied by Sub-contractors feeding back to Helpdesk. Massively dependent on MS Excel. CAFM system used was 20 years old and about to be turned off. 130 Engineering staff about to join the company.
Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how? 25 days before projected go live. The Project team were advised that 130 Engineers, Leads, Managers and Back Office Staff were to TUPE over to Salisbury and become in house. The solution needed to work for them as well.
Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright… but how? Assumptions made of what data and processes meant. Time constraints had to be met. Vetasi and Cognito did not know all our processes. We did not know “our” processes. Out of the box functionality pushed by senior management to curb costs. Departmental Silo mentality. Distrust of the new Engineering team, that were till a few days previous, a contractor 11working to another companies agenda. Assumptions were based on previous three systems that were used, for Helpdesk and Sending work down to Engineering sub-contractors and Compliance. Current CAFM System had a finite end date that had to be met Vetasi and Cognito did not know our processes as we just assumed that things that were clear and obvious to us were so to them We did not know “our” processes, the engagement with the engineering sub contractor had been at arms length while Salisbury were looking to TUPE them in. Their and our senior management had no idea of the processes that needed to be agreed and signed off prior thinking that the existing CAFM solution was adequate and transferrable to Maximo / Cognito solution. Out of the box solutions, was misunderstood by our senior management just because it can do that, doesn’t mean it will do that unless you build it. Within Salisbury silos mentality was a major issue, not apparent on the surface and thus conflicting demands made on Vetasi delaying projects and absorbing valuable time.
Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how? WEATHER WARNING – Perfect Storm Ahead.
Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how? Day 1 Solution worked….. Day 10 It was working but curious things were happening. Day 30 Anguish and grinding of teeth in the Back office. SLAs took a tumble as data could not be relied on to show what was happening in the field.
WHY? Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how? Having painted a picture of a disastrous project run by intellectual pygmies, I can say that the reality was that everyone was doing their best and for all the right reasons. The lessons we have learned are that just because you have well formed and experienced business process that worked a certain way. These cant be written in stone as some of this monoliths will hang heavy around your neck post massive change like introduction of a new CAFM system and TUPEing in of 130 people who don’t use or know you’re your company processes bar the surface. Change management and cultural change specifically were as big if not bigger.
Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how? Review of our processes across the Back office. Fact finding tour of engineers and how they actually used their tablets, what’s did they actually need? Reports, rewritten once we actually told Vetasi what we meant. Retraining the engineers as some were still trying to use the new system as they would have done the old one. Follow up training on not just use of Maximo, but how to play with the data and structure. Vetasi, pretty much dragged us through and often with us screaming and shouting. Deep dives of our processes ilicited actually that’s not right now, but was right at some point in the past but “Everyone knew it”. Actually going out and seeing the reality on the field with engineers to see what their pain points were with the system that was built for them with no/little consultation of them.
Maximo & Cognito. Don’t worry it will be alright…but how? What is our future? Vetasi, pretty much dragged us through and often with us screaming and shouting. Deep dives of our processes ilicited actually that’s not right now, but was right at some point in the past but “Everyone knew it”. Actually going out and seeing the reality on the field with engineers to see what their pain points were with the system that was built for them with no/little consultation of them.