If You’re Blessed To Be a Blessing (tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) If you’re blessed to be a blessing, clap your hands. If you’re blessed to be a blessing, clap your hands If you’re blessed to be a blessing, then your life will surely show it. If your blessed to be a blessing, clap your hands Verse 2) … stomp your feet Verse 3) … say AMEN! Verse 4) … do all three
Awesome God (tune: by Rich Mullins) Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above. With wisdom, power and love, Our God is an awesome God. Our God is a faithful God. He keeps His promises To reach all nations.
Jesus Loves Me (tune: unknown) Jesus loves the nations – Every tongue and every tribe. He wants to use you To reach them to be His Bride Yes, Jesus loves them (3 times) For the Bible tells me so.
The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength Words by Alliene G The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength Words by Alliene G. Vale, based on Nehemiah 8:10 El gozo del Señor mi fortaleza es (3x) Su gozo sin medida Él me da. El GO-so del sayn-YOUR me for-tah-LAY-sah es (3x) Soo GO-so seen may-DEE-dah El may dah. The joy of the Lord is my strength (3x) He gives me joy without measure. Spanish
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (traditional folk tune from India) He decidido seguir a Cristo, No vuelvo atras, No vuelvo atras. Ay day-cee-DEE-doh say-GEER ah CREES-toh, No BWEHL-boh ah-TRAHS, No BWEHL-boh ah TRAHS. Spanish
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (traditional folk tune from India) I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, No turning back.
This Little Light of Mine Words by unknown Pronunciation: verse 1 AAA-sah pay-KAY-nyah loose tee-IN-aaa lay bree-YAR AAA-sah pay-nyah loose bree-yar-AH MAHS eee MAHS verse 1 Esa pepueña luz Tiene que brillar Esa pepuña luz Teine que brillar Brillará más y más Spanish
This Little Light of Mine Words by unknown verse 2 Ponerla debajo de la mesa, no! Tiene que brillar Brillará más y más. Spanish
This Little Light of Mine Words by unknown Translation: Verse 1 This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine (repeat both lines 2 more times) Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Verse 2 Hide it under the table, no!
I Will Make You Fishers of Men Words by Harry D. Clarke Pescadores yo os haré Yo os haré, yo os haré Si seguís a mí. Si seguís a mí, si seguís a mí. Spanish
I Will Make You Fishers of Men Words by Harry D. Clarke Pronunciation: Pace-cah-DOOR-race yo ose ah-RAY Yo ose ah-RAY, yo ose ah-RAY See say-GEESE ah mee. See say-GEESE ah mee, See say-GEESE ah mee. Spanish
I Will Make You Fishers of Men Words by Harry D. Clarke Translation: I will make you fishers of men. Fishers of men, fishers of men. I will make you fishers of men, If you follow me. If you follow me, if you follow me.
In My Life, Lord (Be Glorified) Words by Bob Kilpatrick En mi vida, gloria te doy, gloria te doy. En me vida, gloria te doy, Señor. Ehn mee VEE-dah, GLOH-riah tay doy GLOH-riah tay doy. Ehn mee VEE-dah, GLOH-riah tay doy, sayn-YOUR. Spanish
In My Life, Lord (Be Glorified) Words by Bob Kilpatrick Translation: In my life, Lord, be glorified. Be glorified. In my life, Lord, be glorified today. Spanish
Hallelu, Hallelujah Words by Percy B. Crawford Alelu, alelu, alelu, aleluia, Glória a Jesus. Alelu, alelu, alelu, aleluia, Glória a Jesus, aleluia (3 times). Portuguese
God Is So Good Deus é tão bom É tão bom pra mim. Translation: God is so good (3 times) He’s so good to me. Pronunciation: DAY-oos eh ton bom (3x) eh ton bom prah me Portuguese
Seek Ye First Portuguese Buscai primeiro o reino de Deus E a sua justiça E todas as coisas vos serão acrescentadas Alelu, Aleluia! Boo-sky pree-may-ro- oh ray-no de Day-oos ey ah soo-ah juic-tisa ey toe-das as coyzahs voos seh-rown ah-cre-sen-ta-dahs. ah-lay-LOO, ah-lay-LOO-Yah. Portuguese
Seek Ye First Translation: Seek Ye first, the kingdom of God And His righteousness, And all these things shall be added unto you Allelu, allelujah.
Deep and Wide Although the tune used is “Deep and Wide,” the words in Portuguese have a little different meaning. Have fun and know that God loves you very, very much! Pronunciation: GRUN-jee EH O ah-mor jee CREES-too Grande é O amor de Cristo Grande é (repeat) Portuguese
Deep and Wide Although the tune used is “Deep and Wide,” the words in Portuguese have a little different meaning. Have fun and know that God loves you very, very much! Translation: It’s enormous! It’s enormous! The love of Christ for me is enormous!