Twitter feed for #vivo11
Conference registration is strong Conference registration is strong. 263 attendees and rising (up from 207 last year). Yesterday – workshops, sustainability meeting. Thank you to all who attended and presented. VIVO has had a very strong year since we last met. New partners, new implementations, new software. Throughout the conference you will hear extraordinary people doing extraordinary work. We are often asked “what is VIVO?” There is a technical answer – an open source semantic web application for providing and curating information about scientists – their interests, activities and accomplishments. There is a social answer – a community devoted to creating an open data infrastructure about science and scientists. Over the next two days we will celebrate both. Welcome! Welcome!
Thank You seanabrady@flickr Attendees; Sponsors; Designing Events; The VIVO Team; VIVO partners around the world seanabrady@flickr
Logistics General sessions; Breakouts; Breaks and lunch; Restrooms BOFs and Lightning Rounds; The poster session -- Introduce Kristi Logistics
Application Prize
Program Highlights
Dr. Barend Mons