THE KOBE COLLECTION Yasuhiro MINAMOTO Office Of Marine Prediction Marine Division Climate And Marine Department Japan Meteorological Agency
What is the Kobe Collection? collected by the Kobe Marine Observatory period 1890-1961 observed by merchant ships, fishing boats, and research vessels. amount 6.8 million.
Sample of Log sheet (by merchant ship)
Digitization projects Joint Project with NOAA. (1960-1961) after 1933, about 2.7 million not available about 1.0 million rest → Joint Project with Nippon Foundation and JWA (1995- continue) before 1932, about 3.1 million,
Progress of Digitization QC incomplete ↓
Progress of data distribution
Progress of data distribution
data distribution of the Kobe Collection
Progress of data distribution 1920-1929 COADS Release1 (1985) COADS Release1c (2001) COADS R1 +Kobe(1998) COADS R1c +Kobe2001
Digitization procedure 1.Select microfilms and print out. 2.Coding and typing them into interim-file format. 3.Convert to IMMT-1 format (WMO). 4.Quality control by Minimum Quality Control Standard of WMO. 5.Publication in CD-ROM. (2001 edition is latest)
SST :ratio of flag 2,3 and 4 is about 2% Quality control Flag example: SST SST :ratio of flag 2,3 and 4 is about 2%
Meta data : barometer height
Sea Surface Temperature (4S,150W-4N,80W) Cloud amount anomaly (10N,110E-20N,140E)
the progress schedule The digitization project will be finished FY2003 Convert Data format for historical marine data ( IMMT → IMMA) final CD-ROM will be published in 2004
Navy data period 1903-1944 collected by the Imperial Japanese NAVY observed by Navy vessels. amount 5.0 million. JMA is converting these Navy data from micro films to magnetic media.
Thank you for your attention END Thank you for your attention You can get copies of “the Kobe collection” CD-ROM 2001 edition on the table behind the door.