Data Visualisation Iraj Namdarian Luxumbourg – 28/11/2014 CONTRACTOR IS ACTING UNDER A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT CONCLUDED WITH THE COMMISSION Iraj Namdarian Luxumbourg – 28/11/2014
Session overview Data Visualisation Introduction to OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) and Dashboards concept Indicators management Map and charts customisation Table grid and the presentation options Examples of the dashboards tool generators
Examples of the dashboards tool generators
Dashboard: « A dashboard is a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives which fits entirely on a single computer screen so it can be monitored at a glance »
Dashboard: Benefits of using digital dashboards include: Visual presentation of performance measures Ability to identify and correct negative trends Measure efficiencies/inefficiencies Ability to generate detailed reports showing new trends
Dashboard: Benefits of using digital dashboards include: Ability to make more informed decisions based on collected business intelligence Align strategies and organizational goals Saves time compared to running multiple reports Gain total visibility of all systems instantly Quick identification of data outliers and correlations
(Some) Dashboard generator tools: Open source free products: SpagoBI ( Penthao ( Jaspersoft (
(Some) Dashboard generator tools: Proprietary (Commercial) products: MicroStrategy Analytics Desktop ( IBM Congos ( Halo BI (
Eurostat’s Visualisation tools http://epp. eurostat. ec. europa
Eurostat’s Visualisation tools: Widgets: A widget is a small web application, to be embedded in any website, which shows a relatively small amount of Eurostat data in a simple way. Widgets can be created using the Widget Template Generator
Eurostat’s Visualisation tools: Statistics Illustrated: The “Statistics Illustrated” dashboards provide a simple and interactive way to visualize Eurostat’s data. Currently Eurostat has implemented the following dashboards: Inflation Statistics Illustrated Regional Statistics Illustrated EU2020 Statistics Illustrated Tourism Statistics Illustrated In the new website, there will be a Statistics Illustrated subsection in almost every Dedicated Section with a map, and this will be the default or entry page.
Regional Statistics Illustrated:
Eurostat’s Visualisation tools: Inflation Dashboard: A tool for graphical and dynamic data display of harmonised indices of consumer prices (HICP). The 'Inflation Dashboard' allows users to select countries and individual product groups and displays relevant data simultaneously in a map, a bar chart and two line charts.
Eurostat Inflation Dashboard:
Eurostat’s Visualisation tools: Country Profiles: Is a graphic tool which is easy to use and is accessible to everyone. This tool enables: Grouping of indicators according to the country and the region Possibility to consult predefined series of 10-20 indicators by theme Possibility to compare countries For more information, link to the available TGM for each indicator is provided.
Eurostat Country Profile Tool:
Eurostat’s Visualisation tools: Business cycle clock (BCC): Eurostat's graphical interface Business cycle clock (BCC) is a tool for displaying, in an animated fashion, developments of the Principal European Economic Indicators within Europe.
Business cycle clock (BCC):
Eurostat’s Visualisation tools: Statistical Atlas: Statistical Atlas is an interactive map viewer for statistical and topographical maps. The user can combine geographical information from various "base maps", such as the borders of the NUTS regions or the Urban Audit cities, with information from statistical maps.
European Atlas