Just to know that Jesus loves me With a tenderness so great; Nothing ever shall be able, From His love to separate. This is all I need to know, This my cup doth overflow; All things else I can resign, Since I know that Christ is mine! 1-4 Words by T. O. Chisholm / Music by Samuel W. Beazley
Just to know He hath forgiven All my sins of all the years; In the book of life eternal, That my worthless name appears. This is all I need to know, This my cup doth overflow; All things else I can resign, Since I know that Christ is mine! 2-4
Just to know that He is with me, Just to have His promise true; That He never will forsake me, All my earthly journey thru. This is all I need to know, This my cup doth overflow; All things else I can resign, Since I know that Christ is mine! 3-4
Just to know that up in heaven There’s a place prepared for me; That a glorious day is coming, When my Savior I shall see. This is all I need to know, This my cup doth overflow; All things else I can resign, Since I know that Christ is mine! Amen. 4-4