Name, organization, country DATE Title Name, organization, country DATE
Before you get started - Key overall Tips Start with the structure of your presentation What is the key message you wish to convey (eg. The one key conclusion) you want to present? Then draw out what are the key findings that help you deliver your key message (eg. Your analysis/ data that supports / the key lessons in your project that support the key message) 1 slide Assume you need to present your work to a family member or friend not working in the water sector.
Your Two minute Thesis 1 Slide – choose wisely what you will display – what is supportive of the key message you want to reach the audience Your talk should cover: Why did you do what you have done? (20 seconds) What did you do? (30 seconds) What did you find? (40 Seconds) What is the conclusion and what will happen with your work now? (30 seconds) Your name should be displayed on the slide so people can find you on IWA connect – the platform we will use to connect the people at the event.