Ensuring Name Uniqueness February, 2019
Problem Names of objects should be unique But there are many Names in a large KMS Names are often unstructured Just "Website Cert" Particular problem when KMSs merged Multiple "Website Cert"s Neither guidelines nor tools to encourage uniqueness
Solution 1 – Naming Guidelines Clients SHOULD partition name spaces with "/" E.g. "MyCompany/MyDivision/WebsiteCert" Recommended method of partitioning ("/") Or hyphens or periods Not colons or semicolons or backslashes Minimize potential for conflicts Usage Guide should specify Test cases should encourage
Solution 2 – Namespace Attribute Add explicit optional Namespace attribute Namespace + Name is unique More structured than "/" within Strings Locate all within a Namespace Can specify explicitly adding in a Namespace attribute User has a default Namespace for a user which is automatically included in the Locate Add this into DefaultsInformation
Default Namespace Users may also have a Default Namespace E.g. Users A, B, C have Default Namespace X, User D has Y Added when objects created Used for Locate if no other namespace specified Different sets of users will not clash
Conclusion Guidelines to avoid conflicts And/or explicit Domain attribute