Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Ofsted update


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Presentation transcript:

Southwark Diocesan Board of Education Ofsted update HANDOUTS Cover sheet - white Presentation slides – white Handouts for Ofsted, A5 booklets BPDW, L&M SEF, St Luke’s Report, GOV VISIT DOCS, Safeguarding Quiz Evaluation sheets RESOURCES SIAMS Evaluation Schedule Presentation on data stick My notes The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

School improvement validated by inspection April 19 School improvement validated by inspection SIAMS Vision, provision, impact Curriculum Intention, implementation, impact Your school …

The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education the school’s vision for education – with a Determine clear understanding on the theological foundation it is built on Agree the curriculum content based on statutory requirements and local context Agree content to be delivered based on school’s revised vision for education (in response to the new SIAMS framework) respond to opportunity within Ofsted inspection framework, why do you deliver what you deliver and why do you deliver it in the way that you do? Understand the basis and theology behind the vision Terms of reference for sub committee Monitoring Delivery, standards and impact The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

Implications for Church of England schools and the curriculum The Church of England vision for Education Valuing all God’s Children (2) Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) What if? Learning Mental Health and well-being P4C … What does your website say about your curriculum offer What do you know as a GB about the processes behind the development, review, next steps for your curriculum offer? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

SIAMS – focus on curriculum Vision and Leadership Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills Character Development: Hope, Aspiration & Courageous Advocacy Community & Living Well Together Dignity and Respect Collective Worship Religious Education

Ofsted and the curriculum offer Currently under review Expectation that new inspection framework from September 2019 will have a greater focus on curriculum content, delivery and impact – The draft shows that it does The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Three aspects that work together. There are no walls April 19 Three aspects that work together. There are no walls between them. Ethos, curriculum and pedagogy work together and interact, there are no walls between them which is why some of our examples overlap with ethos and content Not three separate areas of a school.

April 19

April 19

April 19

April 19

April 19

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

April 19

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education Ofsted consultation Draft documentation available from the website Consultation runs until Friday 5 April Within your network clusters, SLT, GB please respond SDBE has a reference group and will submit a response The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 1 Set of documentation to be read alongside the consultation questions. Key proposals for consideration 1 Quality of education on offer To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposal to introduce a ‘quality of education’ judgement? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation Proposal 2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposed separating of inspection judgements about learners’ personal development and learners’ behaviour and attitudes? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 3 Early Years (registered provision) (EYFS in schools are inspected under the schools handbook) Registered provision to ensure children have full access to their entitlement for early education childminders, childcare on non-domestic premises, childcare on domestic premises, Childcare settings that offer care exclusively before and after school The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 4 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposed focus of section 8 inspections of good schools and non-exempt outstanding schools and the proposal to increase the length of these inspections from the current one day to two days? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 5 Maintained schools and academies To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposed introduction of on-site preparation for all section 5 inspections, and for the section 8 inspections of good schools, on the afternoon prior to the inspection? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 6 To what extent do you agree or disagree with our proposal not to look at non-statutory internal progress and attainment data and our reasons why? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 7 Non-association independent schools To what extent do you agree or disagree with the proposal that inspectors should normally use the non-specialist curriculum as their primary source of evidence in assessing the extent to which the school meets the quality of education criteria The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 8 Non-association independent schools To what extent do you agree or disagree that where non-association independent schools have been found to improve or decline at an additional inspection, Ofsted should provide up-to-date judgements about the school’s current performance? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 9 To what extent do you agree or disagree that the proposal to reduce the types of provision we grade and specifically report on will make our inspection reports more coherent and inclusive. The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 10 To what extent do you agree or disagree that the proposed model for short inspections (see para 126-133) The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation proposal 11 To what extent do you agree or disagree that the timescale within which providers that are judged to require improvement receive their next full inspection should be extended from 12 -14 months to 2-30 months? The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

Ofsted consultation Consultation runs from 16 January – 5 April 2019 Information will provide Ofsted with information for consideration of changes to the Education Inspection Framework (EIP) from September 2019 Response to the consultation will be published in May 2019 The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

SDBE Developing Church of England Education

Next Steps... SIAMS Vision, provision, impact Curriculum April 19 Next Steps... SIAMS Vision, provision, impact Curriculum Intention, implementation, impact Your school … RESPOND TO THE CONSULTATION