4/13/2019 In-depth reviews of national communications, past, present and future Vitaly Matsarski UNFCCC Secretariat 4/13/2019 UN ECE Energy Efficiency 21 Project
4/13/2019 Brief history A/AC.273/63 (July 1994) – INC decision “on the nature and details of the review” Building blocks: Compilation and synthesis Review by the Committee In-depth review of individual communications Purpose: To conduct reviews in a facilitative, non- confrontational, open and transparent manner Means: Reviews by a team of experts In the decade between 1079 and 1989 climate change became more and more a political issue. There was a growing concern that anthropogenic activities associated with emissions of the so-called “green-house” gases are causing irreversible changes to the global climate pattern. The adoption of the Convention in 1992 was an important milestone of the climate change process and negotiations launched in 1990 by the UN Assembly on a worldwide treaty on climate change. The main debate during these negotiations was on a concept of targets and time tables. The EC believed, that there should be a phased approach to targets to CO2 and other gases. The US was determined to avoid a binding commitments on targets and timetables, because the US administration that time believed, that binding commitment would force the US to adopt significant actions with unforeseen consequences. 4/13/2019 UN ECE Energy Efficiency 21 Project
Brief history 2/CP.1 (March 1995) – COP1 decision “on review of first communications”: Each NC to be subject to an IDR within one year Review teams should work through “paper” reviews SBs should consider the IDR reports Secretariat should coordinate and facilitate the review process 4/13/2019
Brief history 2/CP.1 (March 1995) – COP1 decision “on review of first communications”: Main tasks of the review: Review key qualitative and quantitative information Assess the extent to which progress towards the objective of the Convention is being achieved Describe expected progress in the limitation of emissions and enhancement of removals 4/13/2019
Brief history 6/CP.3 (December 1997): IDRs should, as a general rule, include visits of review teams coordinated by the secretariat NCs submitted by 30 November 2001 should be subject to an in-depth review 4/13/2019
Review team composition Numbers: Up to five people drawn from the roster of experts IGOs involved at times Criteria: Adequate expertise Geographic balance Availability 4/13/2019
Challenges Participation by experts in most aspects of the review Time constraints during the review Access to responsible Government officials Delays in inputs from experts after the review Delays in preparing the drafts Delays in comments from Governments Language difficulties 4/13/2019
Improvements? Better pre-review preparations? 4/13/2019 Improvements? Better pre-review preparations? Preparing questions for Parties to be answered prior to review? Increasing the size of the teams? Wider use of consultants? Extending the review period (from 2 to 3 years)? Training for experts to be provided? 4/13/2019 UN ECE Energy Efficiency 21 Project
4/13/2019 THANK YOU! 4/13/2019 UN ECE Energy Efficiency 21 Project