October Reminders Peek at the Week Week of the 30th Theme – G is for Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghouls Reminders October 30th – Halloween Carnival 6-7 October 31st Class Party 10:30-11:30 November 7th No School December 12th Peppermint Parade 6pm Monday…….....Movement (pm) Tuesday………..Spanish (am) Swimming (pm) Wednesday.….Cooking/Music (pm) Thursday……….Library (pm) Friday……….…..Art (pm) Peek at the Week All school Halloween party will be October 30th 6-7. There will be activities in all the classrooms that you and your family may go around participate in. At the end of the party there will be a costume parade for all to participate in. We will have a class Halloween party on the 31st. Kids may wear their costumes to school, we would just ask that you please wear costumes that aren’t too scary and no weapons. Also, for those that are swimming please bring a change of clothes to change into before we head to swimming. It was nice to visit with you all during parent teacher conferences. I really have a wonderful group of kids and I could not ask for a better class. Have a great weekend and we will see you Monday. Thank you to Ava, Owen, and Forever for bringing snacks. Contact info…. Phone: 307-745-7256 prek2class@laramieopenschool.org ©The Little Ladybug Shop