To California State University Transfer To California State University 8/6/12 This PPT was developed by counselors in the Summer 2012 to assist counselors as they do workshops for students about transfer to CSU, especially to include information about the new associate degrees for transfer mandated by SB 1440. It was prepared for the Trainer the Trainer Sessions offered by C-ID, the ASCCC and the state Chancellor’s Office in Aug. 2012. The information about the AA-T AS-T degrees, SB 1440 and about transfer is current as of August 2012 , but as always, transfer information is subject to change. Please feel free to edit this presentation to fit your local needs.
California Public Higher Education Systems University of California 9 UC System Map California State University 23 CSU California Community Colleges 112 Community Colleges CSU is one of the 3 public systems of higher education in CA. . Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
California State University (CSU) 23 Campuses 450,000 students 47,000 faculty/staff 200 degree/certificate programs Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU…Did you know? 60% of CSU graduates are California Community College transfer students. CCC transfers have highest priority for admission than any other group Lower division prep at a CCC is comparable to lower division prep at a CSU Students who attend a community college will save a significant amount of money on tuition and housing Community college transfer students who attain the Bachelor’s degree are employed at the same rate as students who enrolled in a 4-year college as a freshman (Refer to pages 23 (CSU) and 22 (UC)) Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early… 4
CSU…did you also know? CSU SYSTEM One of the largest, most diverse systems of higher education in the world Offers Bachelor, Masters, Teaching Credentials and Pre-professional preparation Emphasizes discipline/major knowledge and the practical application of that knowledge Cost approx $6,500 (not including housing, books, supplies, misc) Mix of commuters and residential Accepts full-time and part-time students Offers evening courses Most campuses operate on a semester system Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
Requirements for Transfer: Admission Requirements GE Requirements Major Preparation Other campus requirements that can be completed at a community college Bullet 4 may be college specific. Use feeder school as example Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
BA / BS Components BA/BS from CSU CCC 60 units CSU 60 units Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU Admission Requirements 60 CSU transferable units 2.0 minimum GPA (2.4 GPA for non-residents) Golden Four completed with a “C” or better: Written Communication Oral Communication Critical Thinking Transfer-level Mathematics 30 semester GE units Add your colleges course titles Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU general education requirements and options California State University General Education-Breadth (CSU GE-B) Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Use document camera to show the 2 patterns on your campus Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU Major Preparation options Pathway 1: Major Prep (as posted on ASSIST) Pathway 2: Associate Degree for Transfer CCC Can we show movement from two paths to CSU?? Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU Major Preparation options Pathway 1 – Major Prep articulation via ASSIST Helps you find community college courses that are transferable to a UC or CSU Lists all transfer majors offered at UC and CSU Lists courses that are articulated to specific majors Lists courses that satisfy GE requirements ASSIST.ORG Connect to ASSIST. Org to demonstrate its use Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU Major Preparation options Transfer Admissions Agreements (TAA) TAA secures a place for a CA community college student at the campus specified in the agreement, essentially guaranteeing admission to the CSU. Currently CSU Monterey Bay is the only campus offering a TAA program. Students must have completed 30 CSU transfer units at the time the contract is signed. Students must complete 60 CSU transfer units by the end of Spring prior to transfer Students must have, and maintain, a minimum 2.00 GPA Students must complete the 4 core GE classes by Spring prior to transfer To apply for a TAA, visit the Transfer Center Insert TAA/TAG information here if appropriate for your campus. Or you may wish to delete this slide locally. Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU Major Preparation options Pathway 2 - Associate Degrees for Transfer A transfer pathway used for admission to one of the 23 California State Universities An option that allows students to complete an Associate’s degree while satisfying lower division general education and major requirements for transfer at the same time. Prescribed pattern of courses for specific majors (AA-T and AS-T) Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
Benefits of the AA-T and AS-T A California Community College student who earns an AA-T or AS-T will benefit from the following: Know exactly what courses to take Earn an Associate Degree Guaranteed admission to a CSU Early admission decision Take only 60 units after transfer to get earn BA or BS Meet all lower division major prep at most of the CSU campuses that offer a similar major Explain that some campuses may require completion of additional LD major prep but it will have to be within the CSU’s 60 unit limit Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
AA-T/AS-T: Who is it for? This kind of Associate Degree is most beneficial for students who are: Preparing for impacted CSU majors or campuses Seeking an associate degree while preparing to transfer Preparing broadly for more than one CSU Attending a college that does not have major preparation for their intended CSU campus Give definition of impacted, show some examples (ie SJSU impaction site) If you haven’t yet discussed ASSIST, you may want to elaborate here or remove mention of it Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
Components of AA-T / AS-T To earn the AA-T/AS-T degree, students must meet the following requirements: Note: Completing courses that satisfy CSU's U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals requirement prior to transfer is highly recommended IGETC or CSUGE Major Prep courses 60 units Pass your classes with a C or higher. 2.0 GPA although impacted programs or campuses may have a higher requirement Double counting of GE and major prep is allowed Elective courses may be required to complete 60 units Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
AA-T AS-T Degrees at _______ College Communication Studies English History Kinesiology Mathematics Psychology Sociology Add one of your own transfer degrees as example and your college name at the top Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
What if there is no AA-T / AS-T for my major? Follow Pathway 1: Prepare for transfer utilizing major preparation articulation via ASSIST.ORG OR Find a community college that offers the major (12 units required for residency) Note: Majors being added regularly. Check in with your counselor FREQUENTLY Mention additional residency requirements may be in affect at some CCCs Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
What if I don’t know my major? Career Assessment at your Career Center Shadowing Talk to your professors and counselors BUT, decide your major by the end of the second semester/quarter at the latest! Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
Important transfer terms GE Certification Articulated Courses Transferable Courses Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
GE Certification The certification of GE is the official notice verifying that a transfer student has completed courses satisfying lower-division general education requirements. The certification is separate from a student transcript. Students must complete the Certification Request Form. GE certification can include partial certification when only a specific area is completed or full certification by completing an entire pattern. Insert procedures for your college Although Ken O’Donnell stated that separate certifications are not needed for AAT/AST students, all students should get this done to keep all transfer options open. Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
When / How do I apply for GE Certification? The request for certification of CSU GE or IGETC is best done at the time you request final transcripts be sent to the transfer school. In your last semester before transfer to the CSU or UC which admitted you The form is available at _____ Include where the form can be found Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
“Transferable” vs. “Articulated” Courses Transferable Courses Courses offered at a CCC that are baccalaureate level and are accepted for credit at a 4-year university Check your college catalog Go to Articulated Courses Courses that are transferable and satisfy specific major or GE requirements at a 4-year university Example: COUNS 007 – University Transfer Planning Not transferable but can be used for transfer elective credit Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
CSU Application for Admission Priority Filing Period Oct. 1-Nov. 30 for Fall Aug. 1-31 for Spring (dependent on budget: check Impacted programs and many campuses will close at the end of filing period The successful student today will be planned, intentional, and organized. DO NOT MISS ANY DEADLINES, LEST YOU SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES AND BE LEFT OUT! November 30 Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
Did you know? Majority of applicants who were denied had errors on the application? 76% of students who were denied one year never met with a counselor Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
Planning is Crucial! See a counselor immediately to determine if this is the best path for you Consider taking a Career Planning course to explore major options See your counselor to develop an Educational Plan Utilize resources on campus Visit professors during office hours Pass all your classes (get best grade possible!) Check in with counselor and/or Transfer Center at least once each semester Attend your college Transfer Day/College Day event Attend Transfer related workshops Visit the Transfer Center after completion of 30 units Stay on top of your own transfer path Add and remove as it pertains to your college Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…
Where To Get more Transfer Information CSUMentor ( College Source ( for catalogs Brain Track: for catalogs ASSIST ( General Counseling Department Transfer Center Transfer Degrees ( Meet with a counselor…Plan early….Meet with a counselor…Plan early…