The Crucible Background LA 5
The Salem Witch Hunt
Witches Many people believed that witches made a covenant with the Devil, from whom they acquired their magic powers. Fear of the Devil tremendously increased in England during this time. Most people believed in a physical, tangible Devil.
Women and Witchcraft Many more women were accused of witchcraft than men. What does this say about attitudes towards women during this time frame?
Women Women were full participants in the creation or destruction of a woman's reputation. Reputation meant power and one of the concerns of witchcraft at village level was getting power over a victim. Woman's way of fighting was with words and many accusers at village level were women.
You Could Be a Witch If You… Were a woman who was middle aged and of "humble" social status Were either married or widowed Were "somewhat less fecund" than other women. Had disagreeable or self-assertive personalities Were a female property owner
Reasons "scape-goating" after personal or widespread misfortune spread of disease the accompanying climate of fear Medieval witchcraft beliefs powerful sexism Village rivalries a society in flux
Reasons: Social and religious upheaval as a result of the religious wars = added pressures Some pressures created by a rise in the single female population and the struggle for dominance and power in female society economic pressures causing resentment against the beggar
Accusations Fly… No end to girls’ accusations Spread all over Massachusetts Fed by unexpected attention Unusual for women in Puritan Society Their words were being reported, listened to Girls continue to send people to their death
The Convicted— More than 200 accused 24 die 19 hanged 4 died in prison 1 man pressed to death English Law prohibited burning at the stake No proper burial—no record of death
Survival Confession— One sure way to survive In the Lord’s hands 55 of the 200+ took this route What was the impact after confession?
Exit Ticket…
Exit Ticket
Witch Hunts in History
The Armenian massacres were a series of brutal campaigns conducted against the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire by Sultan Abdülhamid in 1894-96 and by the Young Turk government in 1915-16.
According the the American Heritage Dictionary, “holocaust” means a great or total destruction by fire. Why call the Nazi campaign to exterminate the Jewish race and others who did not fit the Aryan prototype, "The Holocaust"?
More than four years of war have turned once-beautiful Yugoslavia into a living nightmare, and into one of the bloodiest battlefields in Europe's recent history. We see the images -- refugees bearing children and suitcases, war-wearied elderly women, crying soldiers.
What is a "pogrom?" According to the dictionary, a pogrom is an organized massacre of a group of people. For years, the term has been associated with the massacre of Jews in Russia. Pogroms, however, have existed in many different cultures and against many different groups. India Sikh and Hindu Belarus Russia
Senator Joseph McCarthy's influence on the Congress of the United States and on the American people is perhaps one of the more dark periods in our recent history. The term "McCarthyism" has become synonymous with the word "witch hunt."
In reading The Crucible we ask ourselves how a community can turn on its own? What makes a rational people, good people, act irrationally and shamefully? What makes a society scapegoat its own? Before we pass harsh judgement on the people of Salem, we should look to the actions of our own nation towards some of its citizens during World War II.
The apartheid policy was designed to separate black and white South Africans, to oppress, dominate and control blacks, and in the same breath to enrich white South Africans at the expense of the oppressed people.
Many people believed that witches made a covenant with __________. Give two reasons to support the claim that women were accused of witchcraft more than men. Provide three conditions that women typically met to be considered a witch. True or False: One of the reasons for the spread of accusations was the unhappy nature of some husbands. What allowed the accusations to keep coming? Name 2 alternative forms of witchcraft.
Give the two definitions of “fecund”. Bonus Question Give the two definitions of “fecund”.
Fear of ________ tremendously increased in England during this time. What proves that the attitude towards women during this time were negative? In Puritan society, what gave women power? True or False: If you were a female property owner in Salem, you were safe from accusations. Provide three conditions that women typically met to be considered a witch. What was the only way to survive an accusation that you were a witch?
Give the two definitions of “fecund”. Bonus Question Give the two definitions of “fecund”.
Most people believed in what kind of Devil? What type of person was accused of witchcraft more than any other? What was so important about a woman’s reputation in this society? What did it mean? True or False: One of the reasons for the spread of accusations was the unhappy nature of some husbands. Provide three conditions that women typically met to be considered a witch. What was the only way to survive an accusation that you were a witch?
Give the two definitions of “fecund”. Bonus Question Give the two definitions of “fecund”.
Many people believed that witches made a covenant with __________. Give two reasons to support the claim that women were accused of witchcraft more than men. Provide three conditions that women typically met to be considered a witch. True or False: One of the reasons for the spread of accusations was the unhappy nature of some husbands. What allowed the accusations to keep coming? Name 2 alternative forms of witchcraft.
Give the two definitions of “fecund”. Bonus Question Give the two definitions of “fecund”.
Most people believed in what kind of Devil? What type of person was accused of witchcraft more than any other? What was so important about a woman’s reputation in this society? What did it mean? True or False: One of the reasons for the spread of accusations was the unhappy nature of some husbands. Provide three conditions that women typically met to be considered a witch. What was the only way to survive an accusation that you were a witch?
Give the two definitions of “fecund”. Bonus Question Give the two definitions of “fecund”.