Religions Physical Features Misc. Government Economy 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
Category 1 for 1 Question: Name the three major religions in Europe. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 1 Answer: What are Christianity, Judaism and Islam? Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 2 Question: The followers of this religion worship in a synagogue. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 2 Answer: What is Judaism? Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 3 Question: This religion was founded in Arabia by Muhammad. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 3 Answer: What is Islam? Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 4 Question: This religion was founded by those who followed Jesus of Nazareth. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 4 Answer: What is Christianity? Back to the Game Board
Category 1 for 5 Question: This religion is the oldest of the monotheistic faiths. Check Your Answer
Category 1 for 5 Answer: What is Judaism Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 1 Question: The body of water separating England from France. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 1 Answer: What is the English Channel? Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 2 Question: The mountains that separate Spain from France. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 2 Answer: What are the Pyrenees? Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 3 Question: The fertile land that spreads across part of western Europe. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 3 Answer: What is the European Plain? Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 4 Check Your Answer Question: Name the Rivers that we studied in Europe. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 4 Answer: What were the Rhine and the Danube? Back to the Game Board
Category 2 for 5 Question: The Peninsula occupied by Sweden and Norway. Check Your Answer
Category 2 for 5 Back to the Game Board Answer: What is the Scandinavian Peninsula? Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 1 Question: The leader in a Presidential Democracy. Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 1 Answer: Who is the President? Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 2 Question: The government system that shares the power between a strong central government and regional governments… Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 2 Answer: What is Federal? Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 3 Question: The form of government that is run by a small group of people… Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 3 Answer: What is an Oligarchy? Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 4 Question: Government by the people…. Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 4 Answer: What is Democracy? Back to the Game Board
Category 3 for 5 Check Your Answer Question: This government system has a weak central government and stronger regional governments. Check Your Answer
Category 3 for 5 Answer: What is Confederation? Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 1 Question: The government controls what to produce, for whom to produce and how to produce… Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 1 Answer: What is Command Economy? Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 2 Question: A person who starts and runs his/her own business... Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 2 Answer: What is an Entrepreneur? Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 3 Question: A combination of Command and Market Economies……. Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 3 Answer: What is a Mixed Economy? Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 4 Question: Investments in the welfare and training of human workers…. Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 4 Answer: What is Human Capital? Back to the Game Board
Category 4 for 5 Question: Goods that a country buys from another country... Check Your Answer
Category 4 for 5 Answer: What are Imports? Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 1 Question: The number of people who can read and write in a country… Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 1 Answer: What is the Literacy Rate? Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 2 Question: These obstacles inhibit trade and are produced by nature…. Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 2 Answer: What are Natural Trade Barriers? Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 3 Check Your Answer Question: The Currency used by the European Union…. Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 3 Answer: What is the Euro? Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 4 Question: The location of this country played a role in the formation of its strong Naval fleet… Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 4 What is England? Back to the Game Board
Category 5 for 5 Question: Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism are all forms of this religion… Check Your Answer
Category 5 for 5 Answer: What is Christianity? Back to the Game Board