Preston & Wingham Primary Schools Federation Head of School & Inclusion: Job description Responsible to the Executive Headteacher Job purpose Provide inspirational and professional leadership which secures an outstanding education for all pupils in the Federation especially those with SEND & CIC As a member of the Federation Senior Leadership Team play an instrumental role in the monitoring, evaluation and improvement of both schools. Ensure that all pupils are actively engaged in leading their learning to enable them to achieve their best. Create and maintain an effective partnership with parents/carers to enable them to feel fully involved in their child’s learning and so contribute to pupil achievement and personal development. Ensure the Federation’s vision is clearly articulated, shared, understood and implemented in order to promote and sustain school improvement Ensure that Federation policies are implemented Be an associate member of the Governing Body. Support them to meet their statutory responsibilities and contribute to the senior leadership reports Monitor, evaluate and review provision and promote improvement strategies Seek feedback from pupils, parents and other stakeholders and use to inform school evaluation and improvement. Research and keep abreast of current initiatives to facilitate outstanding provision for all pupils within the Federation Build a collaborative learning culture which enables everyone in the federation to share knowledge and understanding, celebrate success and accept responsibility for outcomes Develop and maintain a culture of high expectations for pupils and staff. Challenge under-performance at all levels and take appropriate action when performance is unsatisfactory Line manage & appraise teaching and teaching assistant staff in the school. Provide coaching and mentoring to support staff development. Fulfil the role of Deputy DSL working with the Lead DSL to ensure the highest priority is given to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children across the Federation Exploit the resources of the school (financial, human, physical, environmental) to ensure the highest quality provision for all pupils. Ensure a consistent and continuous focus on pupil achievement, demonstrating and articulating high expectations and challenging targets. Provide detailed information regarding pupil achievement to the Executive Headteacher Ensure a culture and ethos of challenge and support where all pupils can achieve success and become fully engaged in leading their own learning Implement strategies which secure high standards of behaviour. Maintain behaviour logs Monitor attendance and communicate concerns to the Executive Headteacher Seek opportunities to enhance and enrich the school’s provision for pupils. Manage and co-ordinate the extended provision in the school. Fulfil the role of the school’s Educational Visit Co-ordinator Ensure that provision and outcomes for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and understanding are outstanding Take a key role in leading collective worship Work with the PT&FA to enhance provision for all pupils Oversee the development and implementation of the Federation Inclusion Policy Prepare the annual SEND information report for each school Maintain the SEN register for each school Support class teachers to assess and identify the needs of pupils with barriers to learning. Support class teachers to develop and review provision maps to support the needs of pupils with SEND Keep systematic records of provision for pupils with SEND Monitor, review and evaluate the impact of intervention strategies employed across the Federation to support pupils with SEND, ensuring that resources are effectively targeted Develop and submit applications for specific additional funding for pupils with SEND and monitor the impact of such funding to ensure best value Maintain case studies of pupils with SEND Liaise with staff, parents and outside agencies to co-ordinate support for pupils with SEND and ensure their needs are met Lead parent consultations for pupils identified on the SEN register at each school Co-ordinate the reviews for pupils with EHCP Fulfil the role of the designated lead for CIC across the federation