Upper Primary Week 1 Focus ‘ar sounds - ar & ir’
The Rule ar – ir This ‘ar’ sound is always found at the end of words.
liar collar
dollar scholar
cedar cheddar
nectar cellar
briar friar
pillar molar
polar solar
Gibraltar lunar
calendar binocular
elixir choir
liar l-i-a-r Sounds: 4 Syllables: li / ar = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: li / ar = 3
collar C-o-ll-a-r Sounds: 5 Digraphs: 1 - ll Syllables: coll / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: 1 - ll Syllables: coll / ar = 2
dollar D-o-ll-a-r Sounds: 5 Digraphs: 1 - ll Syllables: doll / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: 1 - ll Syllables: doll / ar = 2
scholar s-ch-o-l-a-r Sounds: 6 Digraphs:1 – ch (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs:1 – ch Syllables: schol / ar = 2
cedar C-e-d-a-r Sounds: 5 Syllables: ce / dar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: ce / dar = 2
cheddar Ch-e-dd-a-r Sounds: 5 Digraphs: 2 – ch, dd (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: 2 – ch, dd Syllables: che / ddar = 2
nectar N-e-c-t-a-r Sounds: 6 Syllables: nec / tar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: nec / tar = 2
cellar C-e-ll-a-r Sounds: 5 Digraphs: 1 – ll Syllables: cell / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: 1 – ll Syllables: cell / ar = 2
briar B-r-i-a-r Sounds: 5 Syllables: bri / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: bri / ar = 2
friar F-r-i-a-r Sounds: 5 Syllables: fri/ ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: fri/ ar = 2
pillar P-i-ll-a-r Sounds: 5 Digraphs: 1 - ll Syllables: pill / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: 1 - ll Syllables: pill / ar = 2
molar M-o-l-a-r Sounds: 5 Syllables: mol / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: mol / ar = 2
polar P-o-l-a-r Sounds: 5 Syllables: pol / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: pol / ar = 2
solar S-o-l-a-r Sounds: 5 Syllables: sol / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: sol / ar = 2
Gibraltar G-i-b-r-a-l-t-a-r Sounds: 9 Syllables: gi / bralt / ar = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: gi / bralt / ar = 3
lunar L-u-n-a-r Sounds: 5 Syllables: lun / ar = 2 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: lun / ar = 2
calendar C-a-l-e-n-d-a-r Sounds: 8 Syllables: ca / len / dar = 3 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: ca / len / dar = 3
binocular B-i-n-o-c-u-l-a-r Sounds: 9 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: bi / noc / u / lar = 4
elixir E-l-i-x-i-r Sounds: 6 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: e / lix / ir = 3
choir C-h-o-i-r Sounds: 5 (dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Syllables: choi / r = 2