‘Grow Along With Me’ Parent Focus Groups Oct. – Dec. 2008 GAWM Education Committee February 2009, GAWM Steering Committee March 2009.
Research questions Have you heard about the Grow Along with Me project? Can you identify some early childhood development programs or services in your community? How do you feel about regular developmental checkups? How may the Grow Along with Me project best reach parents to provide them with information about regular developmental checkups? What messages do parents need to hear about regular developmental checkups?
Results 1. Have you heard about the Grow Along with Me project? Most participants were aware of the project Majority expressed confusion re project : Intents Purpose Organizational and structural relationships “Is Stay and Play a Part of Grow Along with Me?” Commonly perceived as “anything to do with child development”
Results 2. Can you identify some early childhood development programs or services in your community? Library, Parent Links, Parents as Teachers were primary sources of information in all communities (n=5/5 sites) Beginning familiarity with Core GAWM courses (n=2/5 sites)
Results 3. How do you feel about regular developmental checkups? Majority of parents strongly endorsed preventive nature of checkups Allowed them to identify and address issues early (4/5 sites) Provided them with the ability to Identify normal growth & development milestones; Foster their child’s skill development; and Gain personal knowledge regarding their child’s skill development. (3/5 sites) Provided reassurance that their child was growing and developing normally (3/5 sites)
Results 3. (continued) How do you feel about regular developmental checkups? Barriers included: ASQ Administration Testing environment Waitlists Provider & site inconsistency Identification of multiple delays
Results 4. How may the Grow Along with Me project best reach parents to provide them with information about regular developmental checkups? Parent Link Centers (Stay & Play) (5/5 sites) Public Health (Home visits, immunization [Well Child Clinic] visits) (4/5 sites) Individualize strategies for each community
Results 5. What messages do parents need to hear? Developmental checkups (ASQ screening) provide: A guideline regarding your child’s growth and development; it is NOT a test Information about normal developmental milestones Ideas on how to optimize your child’s development Awareness of community resources An opportunity to: Celebrate your child’s successes; identify opportunities/challenges Enhance your comfort with “being a parent” Each child is unique Children develop at different rates A child’s developmental skills will change over time
Results 5. (Continued) What messages do parents need to hear? A child’s development can be influenced by his/her environment & interactions Parents are the “experts” regarding their child and his/her development The benefits of early intervention Developmental delays can be diagnosed/treated early
Recommendations The Grow Along with Me project should: Incorporate parent suggestions into communication plans and strategies. Build upon already-established community resources; and
Recommendations Promote : Parent partnerships in program design and evaluation; Timely follow-up of identified delays; Adequate follow-up of the ASQ results with families; Staff comfort with the identification and management of children with multiple delays; and, Consistent messaging across project partners.