Blackboard Tutorial (Student) Parts of Blackboard Get started at
The My PMI tab is located at the top left-hand corner of Blackboard. It is also known as the Home Page. It contains hyperlinks to Announcements, Course Content, and many other tools.
The Courses tab is located at the top left-hand corner of Blackboard next to the My PMI tab. The Courses tab is the Navigation menu for your courses.
Professors may post: Important messages Course content Assignment due dates The Announcements button is at the top of the vertical menu and should be checked often. This is where professors may post information such as: Important messages, Course content, or Assignment due dates.
The Course Syllabus contains important information The Course Syllabus button is the next button in the menu. It is important that you read the syllabus at the beginning of each course. It contains important information such as: Prerequisites, Textbook requirements, Grading scale, and much more!
Content and material may vary depending on the course and instructor Content may contain: Lessons Reading Assignments Homework Assignments Content and material may vary depending on the course and instructor Plain text Tests Surveys Links to Discussion Board Web Resources The Course Content button is the next button in the menu. It may contain: Lessons, Reading assignments, Homework assignments, Tests, Surveys, Links to the discussion board, and Web resources. Materials may either be posted as plain text or as hyperlinks to formatted text documents, images, or websites. Content and material may vary depending on the course and instructor, but navigation will be the same. Hyperlinks
The use and function will be discussed in Lesson 4 Contains links to various communication tools Link to the Discussion Board The Communication button is the next button in the menu. It contains links to various communication tools that may or may not be used in the duration of the course, such as a link to the classroom Discussion Board and the ability to send an e-mail to your professor or classmates. The use and function of the Communication button will be discussed in further detail in Lesson 4. The use and function will be discussed in Lesson 4 Send an e-mail to your professor or classmates
See you back here in 15 minutes! Information overload? Brain freeze? Eye strain? Fatigue? GET UP AND GET MOVING! Information overload? Brain freeze? Eye strain? Fatigue? Get up and get moving! See you back here in 15 minutes! See you back here in 15 minutes!
Clicking a hyperlink takes you to that page The Web Resources button is the next button in the menu. It contains hyperlinks to course-related websites that complement the course material, such as medical encyclopedias and medical news sites. Remember that clicking on a hyperlink takes you to a designated webpage. Clicking a hyperlink takes you to that page
Try the User Manual before contacting the Help Desk Used to organize material and contact info May be used at the instructor’s discretion Keep track of all the great friends you will meet at PMI View items posted by the instructor Contains important course terms and definitions Try the User Manual before contacting the Help Desk Post information about yourself View your grades Manage personal information Manage privacy settings Edit your profile Change passwords The Tools button is the next button in the menu. Tools are used to organize course material and contact information and may be used at the instructor's discretion. The Address Book is used to keep track of all the great friends you will meet at PMI. The Calendar is used to view items posted by the instructor. The Glossary contains important course terms and definitions. The Homepage is where students can post information about themselves. My Results is where students can view their own grades. The Personal Information tool allows students to manage personal information, manage privacy settings, edit their profiles, or change passwords. The Tasks tool allows students to organize and prioritize projects for a specific course. Electric Blackboard allows students to keep notes for a particular course, save it, review it, and return later to add to it. The User Manual can help students learn how to use a particular feature in Blackboard. Try the User Manual before contacting the help desk. Organize and prioritize projects Keep notes, save it, review it or add to it Learn how to use a feature in Blackboard
The Instructor button is the next button in the menu. This page contains the course instructor's bio and contact information.
Clicking a hyperlink takes you to that page Course-related resources Photos Supplemental material Student Orientation Checklist Websites Where to find textbooks The Program Resources button is the next button in the menu and may be used at the instructor’s discretion. The Program Resources button is similar to the Web Resources button. It contains hyperlinks to: Course-related resources such as photos, Supplemental material such as a checklist, or Websites to accompany course content. Remember that clicking on a hyperlink takes you to a designated webpage.
The Student Lounge button is the next button in the menu. The Student Lounge is a forum on the Discussion Board where students in the course may communicate with one another about topics that may or may not be related to the course. To begin a topic, click “Thread.”
Check out these great resources! The Library button is the next button in the menu. This is the official online library of Pima Medical Institute. It contains: Articles, Books Research support, Guides, Government and financial aid resources, and Career development ideas. Take some time to check out these great resources!
The MyPMI mail button is the next button in the menu. Clicking this button opens a new window containing the log-in page for your MyPMI account.
Direct link to the help desk Available 24/7 The Help Desk button is the next button in the menu. It is a direct link to the help desk which is available 24/7. Should you ever need it, help is only one click away!
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