Personalized Learning for You An Introduction to a New Classroom
Why your class? Every teacher this year is required to start personalized learning in at least one course). Ms. Drane choose to do this new classroom with you because American Literature is very conducive to this new style of learning and teaching. With this style, you will have more autonomy in the pace and path of your learning.
Questions you will probably have? What is Personalized Learning? Will this mean more work for me? How will I be graded? So, you won’t be teaching us? What will be expected of me? Why are we changing this now?
What will this look like day to day? Every week to two weeks you will get a playlist that gives you assignments for those week(s). Also, the first day of a new unit’s playlist you will have a mini lesson done by your teacher. Every Friday you will have one on one conferences with Ms. Drane. Each playlist you will work through your playlists. This can be done individually, in pairs, or in small groups working at your own PACE. At the end of each playlist you will turn in your completed assignments and complete a weekly written reflection.
What will we need everyday for class? Your playlist. Regular classroom supplies (paper, pencil, etc.) (If you have them) a pair of headphones Your Henry County Provided Cromebook A willing and open attitude
Terms you need to know Personalized Learning PATH PACE Tech-enhanced 21st Century Skills Communication Creativity Collaboration Critical Thinking
Chalk Talk Think about everything we just talked about. For 10 minutes, you will walk silently around the room and answer the three questions around the room: What norms would you like to see in our classroom? What are you excited about with personalized learning? What are your hesitations and fears about personalized learning? Markers are found at the front of the room. Ticket out the Door When you are finished with the chalk talk, please complete the survey below: