Goal: SWBAT analyze The Sun Is Also a Star through creative pieces. Agenda: 8/31-9/1/17 -Work on Projects -If Done Early: Help a Friend & Edit Their Work! (Sharing is caring!!!) HW: Finish project if you need more time
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Agenda 8/31-9/1/17 -Project and Rubric -Project Work Goal: SWBAT analyze Twilight, Los Angeles 1992 through their creative projects of choice. HW: Projects (if incomplete)
Twilight, Los Angeles 1992 Rubric Due: September 5, 2017 Project: 15 points You are expected to complete a culminating project of Twilight, Los Angeles 1992. You will have the entire class to work on your project, which should exhibit your understanding of the text and showcase your creativity and/or analytic skills. Choose one of the following: Option One: Choose a playlist of songs that you believe would represent the LA Riots and Twilight, Los Angeles 1992. Then, take two pages to describe your reasoning behind your choices of songs. Your playlist should be associated, at least to some degree, to the actual timeline of the event. Option Two: Take two pages to compare and contrast two perspectives from Twilight, Los Angeles 1992. Your piece should also detail why both of these perspectives were important to the event and why you chose these individuals. Option Three: Use your knowledge of the perspectives from Twilight, Los Angeles 1992 to place yourself or a first person character in the LA Riots. What would you be thinking and feeling? Would you or your character be involved in the riots themselves or would you be one of the many hiding or running away from the violence? Your piece should be two pages.