Professional Registration
Why bother – what’s the problem that registration solves? “Public” safety Register associated with levels of risk and accountability Proof that worker is signed up to an ethical code and has achieved a required and recognised standard of training (National Occupational Standards) Has demonstrated that they are continuing to learn to a required standard Coasting workers/poor practice: sanctions that employer aware of Status – steps to parity with Social Work and Occupational Therapy
PSA requirements Focuses on promoting the safety and wellbeing of service users and generating confidence in the register Maintains a register that is accurate, easily accessible to the public and supports informed decisions Only allows those who meet its standards to join and remain on the register Requires registrants to keep their practice up to date and checks at appropriate intervals that registrants continue to meet its standards (CPD) Recognises decisions regarding professional conduct made by regulatory bodies and other registers accredited by the PSA when deciding whether a person should be admitted, kept on or removed from their register The register must be available online and reasonably available in other formats to ensure public accessibility Explains clearly the circumstances in which it will review its decisions relating to admissions to the register and removal from it, and explains how it will do that
What information will it hold? Name Register (rehab./hab./dual qualified) Additional qualifications (e.g. degree) Country/freelance Proof of qualification seen Any outstanding actions or sanctions
Work with employers and sector Work with: employers; Vision UK; ADASS; Wales Council for the Blind; Scottish Council on Visual Impairment; Hab. VI UK – why would you employ someone who disregards the requirement to be on the register? How can ADASS support the process?