WELCOME WEIGHT MATTERS – A Collaborative Approach to Shape Scotland’s Diet and Obesity Strategy
Diet & Obesity Strategy Next foot forward
Obesity control is complex
Key considerations Gauging the level of ambition and consensus on the right package of measures Making best use of the evidence about the problem … … learning from what works in tackling other similar challenges e.g. smoking, alcohol; …. what is the most/least effective in reducing health inequalities …. Being mindful of the environment we work in.
Key action areas? Build leadership and coalitions across the system Change purchasing/consumption patterns: UKG reformulation; price & promotions Opportunistic interventions in early years (4 key stages): diet & nutrition advice, referrals to weight management Expand lifestyle weight management: prioritise people with T2D
Four Questions
The elephant in the room Should we raise with people the question of their weight? Do you raise it? If not why not? What do you need to do so – and in particular from the Government?
On Obesity - the ask, what can the NHS do? For patients? For staff? In its locality/ for the local community? In partnership? As a national institution?
In your back yard How do we work collaboratively and strengthen engagement with communities in tackling healthy weight issues?
You telling me What are the top 3 interventions you would like to see in any strategy?