Examples for intrachromosomal mRNA co‐regulation patches Examples for intrachromosomal mRNA co‐regulation patches Chromosome 16 has several prominent patches of genes with strongly co‐regulated mRNAs, similar to chromosome 11 shown in Fig 1D. These genes are not co‐regulated on the protein level but interact with each other in the 3D structure of the genome. Note that the top right region displays increased Hi‐C contact frequencies, but this is not reflected in the co‐regulation map.Chromosome 12 is an example where only weak co‐regulated patches are visible, and these align only partially with Hi‐C contact patches.Chromosome 19 is a unique case, being a small but very gene‐dense chromosome that is characterised by general co‐regulation of most of its genes on the mRNA level, and a generally elevated Hi‐C contact frequency, with no impact on protein co‐regulation.Data information: mRNA and protein co‐regulation shown as Pearson's correlation coefficient (PCC). Dashed rectangles are shown for orientation. Numbers in grey box show the Pearson correlation between the Hi‐C map and mRNA (blue) or protein (red) co‐regulation maps. Georg Kustatscher et al. Mol Syst Biol 2017;13:937 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend