Scheduling Information Night January 16, 2019
Scheduling Night Agenda 6:00 – 6:15, Scheduling Overview 6:15 – 7:15, Scheduling Fair in the cafeteria Core departments Elective departments Counseling department Virtual Loudoun NOVA Dual Enrollment 6:15-6:40, Optional counseling presentation in the choral room 6:45-7:10, Optional counseling presentation in the choral room
Online at BWHS School Counseling – Scheduling page Scheduling activities and dates Grade-level course selection forms BWHS elective sheet Presentations & videos Summer assignments TBD The LCPS Program of Studies (soon!) Links to LCPS curriculum guides and course syllabi (soon!)
Scheduling Timeline Next week: Classroom scheduling information sessions Core teachers will finish submitting recommendations January 28 – February 28: Individual scheduling - Students select their courses May 24: Course selection letters sent home June 3: Deadline to make changes
Dates WILL change!
Individual Scheduling: January 28 – February 22 Freshmen: January 28 – February 1 (HPE9 classes) Sophomores: February 7 – February 12 (HPE10 classes) Juniors: February 14 – February 22 (TBD)
Individual Scheduling: January 28 – February 22 Each student will meet individually with his/her counselor to select their core courses and electives. Each student will leave their meeting with a selection of seven-periods of courses Student will bring home A copy of his/her course recommendations from current core teachers An unofficial copy of his/her course requests A current copy of his/her academic transcript Parents may make changes to their child’s core classes by emailing or writing a note to their counselor. Electives can be changed directly on ParentVUE and StudentVUE.
Course Selection Letter Sent Home: May 24, 2019 We will mail an official letter detailing your child’s 2019-2020 course requests
Course Request Deadline Deadline to change course requests: June 3, 2019 Changes to core classes by email or note from parent Changes to electives can be made on PVUE/SVUE We cannot make course request changes after this date! Exception – completion of courses in the summer Exception – “BWHS Level Change Days” in August (dates TBD)
School-Year Schedule Changes Elective Changes – we cannot change electives Level Changes
School-Year Level Changes Level changes will be considered on a case-by-case basis Many factors are considered: Student input Parent input Counselor input Overall course load Teacher feedback Availability of alternate courses Post-secondary plans Individual strengths & weaknesses
School-Year Level Changes Academic level changes A class that is “difficult” is not the same as a class that is “too difficult” for a student! Changing a level often disrupts the student’s entire schedule! Changing a level is often not possible! Level-change requests cannot be considered until MP1 interims are distributed
School-Year Level Changes Request form: Detailed reason for request Teacher input: completion of assignments? extra help? strategies? Parent and teacher communication?
Changes for 2019-2020 New classes for 2019-2020 Mythology (English Department) Women’s Studies (English) Ceramics (Fine Arts/Art) Dual Enrollment Music Appreciation (Fine Arts/Music) Technology of Robotic Design (CTE/Tech Ed) Cybersecurity Software Operations (CTE/Business) Cybersecurity in Marketing (CTE/Marketing) Travel and Tourism Marketing Sales (CTE/Marketing) Calculus, non-AP (Math) Returning or Rebranded classes Etymology (English) Public Speaking (English) Dual Enrollment Survey of African History (Social Sciences) Outdoor Education (HPE) Personal Fitness (HPE) Weight Lifting (HPE)
Scheduling Fair 6:15 – 7:15, Scheduling Fair in the cafeteria 6:15-6:40, Optional counseling presentation in the choral room 6:45-7:10, Optional counseling presentation in the choral room Each department will have one or more tables School Counseling department will have a table NOVA Dual Enrollment will have a table Virtual Loudoun will have table We need to end promptly at 7:15pm! I have 1000+ anxious middle school parents arriving!
Optional Counseling Presentations Graduation requirements AP classes and Dual Enrollment (DE) classes that we offer Personal Finance & Economics vs. AP Economics Virtual Loudoun
Scheduling Night Agenda 6:00 – 6:15, Scheduling Overview 6:15 – 7:15, Scheduling Fair in the cafeteria Core departments Elective departments Counseling department 6:15-6:40, Optional guidance presentation in the choral room 6:45-7:10, Optional guidance presentation in the choral room