NASA AMES Research Center Utility Energy Services Contract & Project Funding Sources August 23, 20121
PRESENTATION AGENDA NASA Overview UESC Project Background Facility Challenges / Issues UESC Project Goals Project Overview Questions August 23, 20122
NASA AMES OVERVIEW NASA AMES OVERVIEW Located at Moffett Field, CA in the heart of Silicon Valley One of ten (10) NASA field installations with a primary focus on providing critical R&D on enabling technologies for NASA missions Approximately 271 structures totaling over 2.6M ft 2 Total annual utility spend of $15.5M Aging mechanical and electrical infrastructure Three large and inefficient central steam systems Over sixty chilled water plants Extensive and problematic pneumatic control systems (minimal DDC) August 23, 20123
UESC PROJECT BACKGROUND UESC PROJECT BACKGROUND Previously implemented two small ESPC projects (1999 & 2000) – primarily indoor / outdoor lighting upgrades Significantly behind federal goals / mandates Seeking a mechanism to implement a comprehensive & bundled project Engaged Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in 2010 to discuss the viability of using their UESC program PG&E/NASA selected AECOM as UESC ESCO partner August 23, 20124
FACILITY CHALLENGES / ISSUES FACILITY CHALLENGES / ISSUES Low electric and natural gas rates ($0.045/kWh, $0.70/therm) Significantly behind federal and NASA energy mandates and goals (224,890 BTU/GSF vs. goal of 157,423 BTU/GSF) Much of the low hanging fruit was included in two prior ESPC projects – eliminated leverage for future projects Aging and inefficient steam systems causing significant operational issues impacting mission August 23, 20125
FACILITY CHALLENGES / ISSUES FACILITY CHALLENGES / ISSUES Many of the facilitys boilers were not in compliance with local air quality district NOx standards (pending fines) Lacked adequate funding to address boiler NOx compliance issue within required time frame Funding shortfall for installation of photovoltaic system at new state of the art headquarters building (required for LEED Platinum certification) August 23, 20126
UESC PROJECT GOALS Bundled / integrated project meeting federal mandates while also addressing critical facility infrastructure needs Install roof-mounted photovoltaic systems in the new Collaborative Support Facility (Building N232) attain LEED Platinum certification. Replace aging and inefficient boilers not meeting Bay Area Air Quality Management District standards (approximately 31 boilers) August 23, 20127
UESC PROJECT GOALS Replace centralized steam systems with high efficiency hot water boilers Replace / upgrade existing pneumatic controls with DDC and integrate to base-wide EMCS Capture utility incentives, rebates, and appropriated funds to maximize scope of work August 23, 20128
PROJECT OUTCOMES Project affected 131 buildings totaling 2.6M ft 2 Total construction cost $22M Total financed cost $20.2M over a thirteen (13) year term Project buy-down included $1.2M of appropriated funds, $420k utility incentives, $300k water incentives (verified by utility) Additional $600k in retro-commissioning incentives being used to implement additional scopes of work Annual energy savings: 9,095,382 kWh (9.1% of non- industrial consumption), 957 kW of peak demand, and 1,291,757 therms (33.3% of estimated boiler consumption) Annual cost savings: $1,648,331 (energy and O&M) Construction will be complete in October 2012 August 23, 20129
PROJECT MEASURES ECM 1 – Base-Wide Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) to Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Retrofits ECM 2 – Upgrade Indoor Lighting ECM 3 – Upgrade Outdoor Lighting ECM 4, 5 – Base-Wide Hydronic Boiler Replacements ECM 6 – Steam Decentralization ECM 7 – Base-Wide Retro Commissioning and FMCS Upgrades ECM 8 – Bldg. 239 VAV & Central Chilled Water Plant Upgrades ECM 9 – Bldg. N258 Air System Optimization ECM 10 – Bldg. N233 Multiple Measures – chiller replacement and plant optimization, boiler plant upgrades, EMCS expansion. ECM 11 – Bldg. N233A Multiple Measures – boiler plant upgrades, variable volume pumping, EMCS expansion ECM 12 – Bldg. N232 Photovoltaic System ECM 13 – Bldg. 245 Chiller Replacement ECM 14 – Base-Wide Domestic Water Retrofit June 25,
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Our projects leave the world a better place. August 23,