WarmFlo Concept A Simplified Approach S6-WFB-OT
If my 2 nd Grader ever asked me this question: What is WarmFlo? I would sit down on the couch with him and explain it this way...
WarmFlo is: Unique to the company I work for, Electro Industries A smart controller for our electric heating products Can be used with boilers, plenum heaters, duct heaters, boost heaters, make-up air heaters, etc. A provider of comfort for heating any house or building An additional helping hand for those great, high efficiency air source heat pumps Changeable, based on outdoor temperature
Equipment needed: Electric resistance heater –Example: Electro-Boiler, Plenum Heater, etc. WarmFlo Controller board with proper Program Chip Code Supply Sensor (ST) –Also, goes by the names, Plenum Sensor or Duct Sensor –Necessary in ALL WarmFlo applications Outdoor Sensor (OT) –Provides the Outdoor Reset Capability
My son might then ask: Well, how does it work, Dad? I would continue by saying...
The heater needs 2 things: 1.Desired Output Temperature (DT) –Dialed-in on the WarmFlo Controller 2.Call for heat from thermostat
After Call for Heat: The heater turns on Reads the temperature of the air or water leaving the system using the Supply Sensor (ST) Compares this temperature to the Desired Temperature (DT) And adjusts the amount of elements on based on the need for more heat or removal of heat
Goal of Supply Sensor To get to and maintain the Desired Temperature (DT) as set by the user
Being a smart kid that I believe my son is, he would continue by asking: What temperature is determined as the Desired Temperature for the Supply Sensor and how does the Outdoor Sensor affect the Desired Temperature? Okay?...
Outdoor Sensing The Desired Temperature for the Supply Sensor is: –A VARIABLE value based on outdoor temperature –Note: The temperatures on the nearby decal or in the manual are based on an outside temperature of 0 °
How is it Variable? On warmer days, the Outdoor Sensor (OT) tells the Supply Sensor (ST), Its nice out here. I am not going to allow you to put as much heat into the house. On colder days, the Outdoor Sensor (OT) tells the Supply Sensor (ST), Brrr, its cold out here. Youre going to need more heat today.
Therefore... WarmFlo is always on WarmFlo is always thinking WarmFlo only allows heat when needed