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Presentation transcript:

Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

The Tools of History World Geography Maps Archaeology Historians Terms 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

Topic 1: 200 Question: The largest bodies of water on Earth are called? Answer Oceans Back

Topic 1: 400 Question: Which of the following is not a type of landform? Mountain Plateau Ocean Island Answer Back

Topic 1: 600 Question: Give me an example of how climate affects peoples lives? Answer Back

Topic 1: 800 Question: What are the 7 continents? Answer North America South America Europe Africa Asia Australia Antarctica Back

Topic 1: 1000 Question: What are the 5 themes of geography? Answer Location Place Region Movement Human-Environment Interaction Back

Topic 2: 200 Question: What type of map will help you find the neighbors to the United States? Answer Political map Back

Topic 2: 400 Question: Which type of map will help you find where certain earthquakes took place? Answer Thematic map Back

Topic 2: 600 Question: On a map, colors can show you… Answer A variety of information on the map Back

Topic 2: 800 Question: What is used to figure out the distance between two locations on the map? Answer Scale Back

Topic 2: 1000 Question: On a map, ________ explains the symbols and colors used on the map. Answer legend Back

Topic 3: 200 Question: Archaeologist search for ______ and ______ to learn about early people. Answer Fossils and artifacts Back

Topic 3: 400 Question: Who is Lucy? Answer A hominid skeleton Back

Topic 3: 600 Question: Which scientific name describes the earliest hominids? Homo erectus Homo habilis Australopithecines Homo sapiens Answer Back

Topic 3: 800 Question: During which era did the development of farming take place? Paleolithic Age Mesolithic Age Neolithic Age Answer Back

Topic 3: 1000 Question: What is the Paleolithic Age also known as? The New Stone Age The Middle Stone Age The Old Stone Age Answer Back

Topic 4: 200 Question: What do historians look for when they are studying the past? Fossils Patterns Skulls Answer Back

Topic 4: 400 Question: Letters, diaries, and pictures created by someone who was present at an event is called what kind of historian tool? Answer Primary source Back

Topic 4: 600 Question: Which of the following is not a secondary source? History textbooks Media reports Diaries Answer Back

Topic 4: 800 Question: What is oral history? Answer An unwritten account of an event Back

Topic 4: 1000 Question: What is the advantage of secondary sources over primary sources? Answer They provide a more balanced viewpoint. Back

Topic 5: 200 Question: What is a hemisphere? Answer An equal half of the globe Back

Topic 5: 400 Question: What is a physical map? Answer A map showing landforms and bodies of water Back

Topic 5: 600 Question: What is the name of a human or human-like creature that walks on two feet Answer hominid Back

Topic 5: 800 Question: What is the pattern of weather conditions in a certain location over a long period of time called? Answer climate Back

Topic 5: 1000 Question: Which Stone Age Era was marked by the use of simple stone tools by the earliest humans? Answer Paleolithic Age Back

Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question: What was the source example in Chapter 1 and what type of source was it? Answer … The Rosetta Stone – primary source Back

Daily Double The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

Daily Double The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!