Towards an operational Science-Policy Interface in support of EU water policies Marie-Perrine Miossec ONEMA (French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Ecosystems) Sibiu, 2 October 2008
The necessary links between research and WFD implementation Since 2000, each step of the Water Framework Directive (characterization of pressures and impacts, economic analysis, river basin management plans…) has required support by the scientific evidence-base, technical knowledge, practical experiences and available tools There are several initiatives that might lead to more efficient links between science and policy. WISE-RTD links WFD questions to EU research projects and to some river basins. Several ERA-nets work on nationally funded research with linkages to water issues. SCG 5 November 2008
Long-term and mid term objectives and expected impacts The overall objective of a science-policy interface under the CIS umbrella would be: to ensure that scientific knowledge and technical solutions are efficiently transferred to policy advisors, regulators and managers in order to feed the implementation timetable and further reviews of water policies to help research needs for policy making emerge by translating operational problems into research questions and alerting the adequate funding organisms and research partners to provide scientific expertise at the different important deadlines of the WFD 2012, 2015, 2021, 2027 SCG 5 November 2008
A proposed preliminary phase for 2009 Preliminary Activity 1: National and EU water policy related research needs: Preliminary Activity 2: National and EU water related research competences and links with WFD needs and calendar Preliminary Activity 1 + 2: Conclusions of the above-activities could be shared in a workshop that would be held in the second half of 2009. Preliminary Activity 3:possible Mandate and work programme for a science-policy interfacing group in 2010-2012 Proposition of a mandate and work programme to Water Directors by the end of 2009 SCG 5 November 2008
WFD Implementation milestones and research needs Hydro morphology International governance of common water bodies Etc…. Review: River basin districts Delineation of water bodies Research to be launched several years ahead !! Ecotoxicity Ecosystem modeling Hydro morphology Etc.. Analysis of pressures and impacts Research needs Reference sites Intercalibration Etc… Milestones Design of monitoring –surveillance program Hydromorphology-Restauration measures Economic analysis Surface-Groundwaters relations Priority Substances list Etc… River basin management plans, Programs of measures SCG 5 November 2008
Science-policy initiatives: a complicated scheme WISE-RTD Web portal LIFE, PRB etc… Identify WFD relevant projects and products of research Support demonstration projects Science-Policy Interface Transfer technical solutions/best practices National and EU R&D agendas Support an evidence-based policy IWRM-Net, WSSTP… WSSTP, PRBs… CIS working groups SCG 5 November 2008
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