Air Pollution in PRD and HK
What is the problem? Smog poor visibility (below 8 km) 16% of such days with visibility below 8 km in 2004 Health risk Air pollution
What complicates the problem? Relocation of industries in the 80s + economic growth of PRD (at 8-9% per annum) Increasing demand for energy Change in consumer behaviour Physical setting of PRD Sheltered by hilly and mountainous ranges pollution in the region is localized Urban land-sea breeze circulation
Urban land-sea breezes
Measures Restricting use of high-sulphur fuels Closing down small power generation units Retrofitting flur gas desulphurisation (FGD) systems to reduce emission from power stations Phasing out coal-fired boilers, industrial boilers Stopping inefficient energy consumption
Challenges Gathering and reporting the air monitoring data Lack of resources to obtain accurate air monitoring data
Cross-border initiative Agreement between HKSAR and Guangdong Province on reducing smog-related air pollution RSPs + VOCs cut by 55%, SO2 by 40%, NOx by 20% by 2010 Set up an emission trading pilot scheme coving power plants in HK and Guangdong