Characteristics of elderly patients prescribed statins after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia - Part I Zheng Zhou et al CMAJ 2005; 172: 1187-94
Characteristics of elderly patients prescribed statins after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia - Part II Zheng Zhou et al CMAJ 2005; 172: 1187-94
Pattern of statin usage Zheng Zhou et al CMAJ 2005; 172: 1187-94
Unadjusted cumulative incidence and rate of recurrent AMI and death from any cause during follow-up Zheng Zhou et al CMAJ 2005; 172: 1187-94
Factors associated with recurrent AMI and death from any cause among elderly patients Zheng Zhou et al CMAJ 2005; 172: 1187-94
Pooled adjusted hazard ratios for recurrent AMI for death from any cause among elderly patients prescribed statin after AMI Zheng Zhou et al CMAJ 2005; 172: 1187-94