Lesson 2 Genesis is a book of beginnings The beginning of earth The beginning of man and woman The beginning of sin The beginning of redemption and salvation The beginning of family life The beginning of civilization, cities, and skills The beginning of nations The beginning of the Hebrew race Lesson 2
Homework Genesis 1 When: In the beginning Who: God How: created What: the heaven and earth Why did God create the world? David gives us a clue in Psalm 19:1 What is it? To declare his own glory. Homework
Lesson 2 Day 1: Light Day 2: sky/atmosphere Day 3: Seas, trees and plants Day 4: sun, moon and stars Day 5: fish, birds Day 6: cattle, wild animals, man Lesson 2
Open your books to page 16. Write out Genesis 1:27 on the lines provided at the bottom of the page. Warm Up
Moses, the Author of Genesis, wants us to see God creating. Lesson 2
Read Genesis 2-3 over the weekend Homework