agenda Shakespeare Close Reading Practice Writing Othello Review a few CEIEI paragraphs w/whole group Reminders of transitions, lead-ins, interpretation, citations Othello Watch remainder of film – 30ish minutes Work on character charts Handout essay prompts to review HW: Finish character charts
Reminders 3/12/18 3rd Block: Will, Isabel, Adam – will present tomorrow. No separate quiz for Act V – will be covered on unit test Othello Unit Test Study Guide will be posted to blog tonight. In-Class Essay test this Thursday, 3/15 M.C. portion (50 questions), next Monday, 3/19 **Need a copy of A Thousand Splendid Suns (Khaled Hosseini) by Monday, March 19 – the first 3 chapters will be due Tuesday, 3/20
Shakespeare close reading practice #3
Revisiting CEIEI about Othello or Iago Write a claim (one sentence assertion to answer one of the questions below) and then 2. provide at least 2 pieces of evidence (specific lines) from the play to support your claim. Write interpretation for each piece of evidence. Remember the things we have spoken about! How does Iago develop over the course of the play? OR How does Othello develop over the course of the play? Cite lines – (ACT.scene.line#) (I.i.35-36)
reminders Transitions (find your handout I gave you!) Citing evidence Lead-Ins Developing interpretation
othello Finish film Work on character charts