Welcome! Fourth Grade Rm. 13 Ms. Stoddart
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 8:30 H.R. Check-In: Morning Routine 8:40-9:30 Rotation #1 Writing 9:30-10:20 Rotation #2 Math 10:20 Snack/Recess 10:40-11:30 Rotation #3 Soc. Studies/ Science/S.T.E.M. 11:30-12:20 Reading 12:20-1:05 Lunch 1:10-1:45 Agenda & Wrap Up *1:30 Dismissal Core Literature ________________ Unfinished Work 1:45-2:15 Library & Computer Lab (1:10-2:10) Music (1:10-2) ______________ 2:00-3:00 P.E. (2:15-2:45) ‘Fri. Free Choice’ (2:35-3:00) Enrichment/Study Hall
Contact Information: Phone #: 310-378-5228, ext. 213 Email: stoddartj@pvpusd.net
Edlio http://montemalaga.pvpusd.net/ Information for all Fourth Grade classes can be found from Rm. 13’s Home page. You should find our calendar, homework assignments, upcoming events, as well as links to both Mr. Chin and Mrs. Reed’s pages. http://montemalaga.pvpusd.net/
Policies Classroom Mgt. & Tickets Homework Assignments Homework Organization Friday Folders Friday Free Choice / Enrichment / Study Hall
Book Projects October: Mystery and Suspense November: Historical Fiction February: Biography or Autobiography March: Tall Tales, Myths, and Legends April Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Projects
Core Literature Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell * Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan By the Great Horn Spoon! by Sid Fleischman * *There will be an option to purchase these two titles through the school (around $5) for your student to have a copy in which they can highlight, take notes, etc. This is optional and all students will be provided a copy to borrow and use sticky notes to mark. Watch for information coming home in Friday Folder in the next couple of weeks!
Social Studies Projects: Regions of California Presentations California State Park Brochures California History Timeline 22nd California Mission…Please do not run out and purchase a Mission Kit! Walk through California Fieldtrips: Point Vicente Interpretive Center TBD
Science Scientific Method Life Sciences: Plants and Sunlight, Food Chains/Webs, Microorganisms, Ecosystems, and Adaptations Earth Science: Rocks and Minerals, Slow Changes on Earth, Fast Changes on Earth Physical Science: Electricity and Magnetism * Our Science Lab will be used during each unit to conduct related hands-on investigations and experiments. Writing will take place in the students’ Science Notebooks as they work through the Scientific Process.
S.T.E.M. Unit 1, Energy Collisions: Unit 2, Energy Conversion: Students explore the properties of mechanisms and how they change energy by transferring direction, speed, type of movement, and force. Students discover a variety of ways potential energy can be stored and released as kinetic energy. They explain the relationship between the speed of an object and the energy of that object, as well as predict the transfer of energy as a result of a collision between two objects As students solve the problem for this module, they apply their knowledge and skills to develop a vehicle restraint system. Unit 2, Energy Conversion: Students identify the conversion of energy between forms and the energy transfer required to move energy from place to place. They also identify and explain how energy can be converted to meet a human need or want. * Our Invention Convention is scheduled for March 22nd. More information to come!