Statistics Cell Phones Use ONLY when given permission by teacher. SUPPLY LIST TI-84+ Silver Edition (OPTIONAL) Supplies for projects as needed Composition Notebook Pencils, highlighters College ruled notebook paper GRADING POLICY Formative (Daily, Quizzes, Homework) 34% Summative (Test) 51% DCA (9 weeks Exam) 15% Textbook: Statistics Through Applications 2nd Edition Statistics Mrs. Horrigan/ Rm 2742 Conference : 12:54-1:42 CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Self-motivated Work independently and cooperatively Read and write technical mathematics Persistent practice of concepts Near perfect attendance Adherence to MWHS and classroom policies Late Work 10% off each day its late, maximum 50%. Deadline: each grading period Tutorials Tuesday 2:40-3:15 West Hour A Block Monday, Wednesday and Thursday RETAKING ASSESSMENTS Students may retake ONE assessment each 9 weeks following these guidelines: Take initial assessment on assigned date Student will attend tutorial before retest Retest must be taken within 1 week of original test Retest grade: 80% of retest grade OR an average of test and retest original grade OR the highest grade (original or 80% of retest grade) Cell Phones Use ONLY when given permission by teacher.