Space Exposition
1.Mercury 2.Venus 3.Earth 4.Mars 5.Jupiter 6.Saturn 7.Uranus 8.Neptune Solar System 1.Mercury 2.Venus 3.Earth 4.Mars 5.Jupiter 6.Saturn 7.Uranus 8.Neptune
1.What is Mars? Mars is a planet. It is the fourth planet from the sun and the next planet beyond Earth. 142 million miles from the sun. One-sixth the size of Earth. It has two small moons. Their names are Phobos and Deimos.
What is Mars like? The average temperature is minus 80 degree Fahrenheit - way below freezing! It is rocky with canyons, volcanoes and craters all over it. Red dust covers almost all of Mars. Mars has clouds and wind, just as Earth does. Sometimes the wind blows the red dust into a dust storm. Mars has about one-third the gravity of Earth.
Nasa's history of exploring mars? NASA has used both spacecraft and robots to learn more about Mars In 1965, Mariner 4 was the first NASA spacecraft to get a close look at the planet. In 1976, Viking 1 and Viking 2 were the first NASA spacecraft to land on Mars. (took pictures and explored the planet's surface)
Mars probes 1965:The first spacecraft to successfully flyby Mars was the American Mariner 4 spacecraft. 1971:The Soviet Mars 3 mission was the first to land on the surface. Unfortunately, communication ceased shortly after touchdown. 1976:The Viking program consisted of two orbiters and two landers. The landers studied many aspects of the surface and conducted sophisticated experiments to search for life. 1996:Mars 96, a Russian probe launched at 1996, suffered a booster malfunction and fell back to Earth. 1998:There is a disaster struck in 1998. Both the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander spacecraft were destroyed upon reaching Mars. 2001:Mars Odyssey, an orbiter launched in 2001, was successful. 2003: the European Mars Express mission was launched in 2003. 2007: The Phoenix Mars Lander, launched in 2007, landed in the polar regions. Equipped with a robot arm, the probe was able to dig into a layer of water ice just centimeters below the surface. Introduction to the Mars Science Laboratory launched in 2003 was
How will nasa explore mars in the future? NASA plans to send more robots to Mars. It wants robots to one day collect Martian soil and rocks and bring them back to Earth to be studied. A robot named Phoenix landed on Mars in May 2008. Phoenix is digging holes in Mars' surface and studying what it finds in the holes. NASA also wants to send astronauts(宇航员) to Mars someday. To get ready to send humans to Mars, NASA is studying new kinds of homes where astronauts can live. Scientists are studying how people in space could grow plants for food. By watching what happens to astronauts on the International Space Station, they are finding out how living in space affects humans.
Mars one plan This is a plan that companies will send a small group of people to mars and try to make sure they can live in mars.they have already selected one time.1000 people will trainning in the next decade and in the end the mars one team will just have 4 people to go to the mars at 2025.
Mars One plan
this is just a little information for mars.if u are interested in hard and be an astronomer!