View from the Metasearch Providers NISO Metasearch Initiatives Meeting May 7, 2003 P. Noerr
Background General description Who uses this service Keys to success Broadcast, federated, aggregated searching Single sign-on, interface Who uses this service Libraries, corp. Info centers, Publishers Keys to success Broad scope, simple operation Performance
Metasearch Use Today Relation to metasearch Historical perspective Direct user access, or through portal, ILS, F-E Authentication, documents, scope, processing Historical perspective Growing rapidly, becoming a ‘requirement’ Server to ILS & Portals Client to Search engines & Publishers Technology independence important Technology Partnerships Relation to metasearch Types of Access Services requested
Metasearch Use Tomorrow 18 months Virtually all Academic & Consortia library RFPs will include basic functionality 3 years Will be a new system area for all libraries and information centers, including commercial Impact on business Good, VITAL!
Challenges Problems that need solving Market definition Market differentiation Economies of scale Availability of service Reliability Timely repair Breadth of coverage Interconnection technology Commercial Rights Management