Reducing energy use and tackling climate change Ian Smith and Martha Fyffe: June 2010 Energy Awareness Training
CHANGEWORKS Who are Changeworks Training structure Incorporating tools for change Logistics Evaluation snapshot Where do we go from here This is what I know works What we will cover
CHANGEWORKS Changeworks Changeworks exists to improve quality of life and to protect the environment Sustainable development charity 180 employees Resources for Life
CHANGEWORKS Increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy Prevent waste from going to landfill by reducing, reusing and recycling Promote methods of transport with low environmental impact Areas of activity
At the end of the training, you will.. Understand the consequences of using energy Environmental Social Financial Know how to save energy In the office At home Have a plan to break habits and deliver change
What well cover 1.Why we need to save energy 2.Motivations for change 3.Saving energy in the office – personal energy plan 4.Saving energy in the home – personal energy plan 5.Evaluation
CHANGEWORKS Make it relevant Gauge opinion in the room –Mandate, Motivators and Norms Identify and recognise barriers Empower to realise benefits Focus for action Tools for change
Fife Council: Its in our policies
Local impacts of climate change
What was Fife Councils combined gas and electricity bill in ? A)£5,000,000 B)£10,000,000 C)£15,000,000 D)£20,000,000
Major uses of energy in the home 60% 14% 3% 23%
CHANGEWORKS Make it relevant Gauge opinion in the room –Mandate, Motivators and Norms Identify and recognise barriers Empower to realise benefits Focus for action Tools for change
Climate Change What do YOU believe? Current increases in global temperatures are largely caused by human actions a.Agree strongly b.Agree slightly c.Disagree slightly d.Disagree strongly e.Not sure
Energy Use What do YOU think? It is as important to adopt energy efficient behaviours in the office as it is at home? a.Agree strongly b.Agree slightly c.Disagree slightly d.Disagree strongly e.Not sure
What motivates you?
CHANGEWORKS Make it relevant Gauge opinion in the room –Mandate, Motivators and Norms Identify and recognise barriers Empower to realise benefits Focus for action Tools for change
CHANGEWORKS Make it relevant Gauge opinion in the room –Mandate, Motivators and Norms Identify and recognise barriers Empower to realise benefits Focus for action Tools for change
Changing energy behaviour The 4 Es Engage Communicating with your colleagues i.e. team meetings Enable Overcoming barriers to change e.g. information, facilities Exemplify Setting standards that others will follow Encourage Offering incentives e.g. reward, penalise, competitions
Saving energy: Your top tips Space heating Water heating (inc boilers) Kitchen and Cooking Appliances and Lighting
Benefit: Reduced annual energy bills = £ x x 4 hours a day (50w) x 13p /kWh 4 x x 4 hours a day (9w) x 13p /kWh = £6.83
Benefit: Insulated homes are cheaper to heat Payback periods (even shorter with a grant) Hot water tank < 6 months Loft insulation 2 years Cavity insulation 2 years Double glazing > 20 years Floor insulation 2 years Draught proofing 8 years
Benefit: score well on Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) For all homes being constructed, sold or rented out Rated on energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions From January 2009 Information on FISH
CHANGEWORKS Make it relevant Gauge opinion in the room –Mandate, Motivators and Norms Identify and recognise barriers Empower to realise benefits Focus for action Tools for change
Advice and support Energy Saving Scotland advice centre Act NOW for free, impartial advice Information on grants and typical costs Available from FISH Personalised home energy report Credit union for low cost loans
Writing a Personal Energy Plan: HOME
CHANGEWORKS Two hour session (2.5 hrs for people managers) Up to three sessions per day Over 5,000 staff trained in the last 18 months Pre and post training questionnaire via e- mail Logistics
Qu1: How would you describe the energy awareness training (managers)?
Qu3: The training has increased my commitment to reduce energy use in the office?
Qu 9: Would you recommend the training to one of your colleagues?
Trainee response: Office
Trainee response: Home
Trainee response: general
CHANGEWORKS More training Work with wider range of staff groups Embed training within wider behaviour change programme Five building specific behaviour change pilots Informed by cross Council Climate Change Survey of staff awareness and behaviours What happens next
CHANGEWORKS Make it relevant Gauge opinion in the room –Mandate, Motivators and Norms Identify and recognise barriers Empower to realise benefits Focus for action This is what I know works
CHANGEWORKS Martha Fyffe Energy Promotion & Development Officer Fife Council Ext Ian Smith Head of Waste Prevention and Changeworks Learning Waste Prevention Team Changeworks T: E: Thank you for taking part