Marias Makeup Marias Makeup Blog Marias Makeup Tips Marvellous Makeup Tips Strength: Its basic, easy and simple. Its alliteration. It’s a catchy and memorable. Straight to the point. Weakness: Basic, plain, may seem a little boring and too short. Strength: Simple title. Weakness: A bit basic, not very interesting. Doesn’t intrigue the reader. Strength: Easy to remember, simple title. Straight to the point and lets the reader know exactly what the websites about. Uses alliteration. Weakness: A little basic, people may find it plain. Strength: Basic, simple to remember. Weakness: People may consider the website as biased as its my opinion on what's beautiful.
Themes Strength: This is a girly, colourful website theme. This is good to grab attention as the colours are bright. It would appeal to younger females aged 12-15. Weakness: May be a little childish. Strength: This is a pretty plain website theme. Its basic, and seems like it would be aimed at older people. Weakness: Its plain and not very colourful so people may not find it eye-catching. Strength: Colourful, pink girly theme. Pretty plain at the same time. Weakness: May be a bit boring to the readers. Strength: Nice and basic. Weakness: Wouldn’t fit the theme I'm trying to present. A bit plain and boring. Looks dull and dark.
Questionnaire Age: 11-15 16-19 20-23 24+ Gender: Male Female Job/Education: Which do 3 do you prefer to see whilst looking through a website? Videos Music Pictures Games Quizzes Reviews Articles What kind of images would you like to see? Celebrities Different Varieties of Makeup Makeup Tips Makeup Brands Which of these themes do you think fits in with the makeup genre?
Would you follow this website on social media Would you follow this website on social media? What would make you want to visit the website? Celebrities Images Videos Information Would you read articles about makeup? Yes No If yes which type of articles? Including what? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………