Key Ideas: unlock What is it about? How do I know? Which parts help me understand things? Central Idea Writer’s Style Putting the Puzzle together
Key Ideas Standards Include Common Core Webpages: RL&RI 8.1 RL&RI 8.2 RL&RI 8.3
Reading Stories and Informational 8.1 Understand the meaning of words in context Understand why an author chooses certain words Understand the direct and inferred meanings of words
How you show mastery 8.1: On EOG: Real Life Reading: Choose correct words from the selection to prove whatever the questions asks. Choose correct phrases/sentences from the selection to prove whatever the questions asks. Real Life Reading: Pause to think about why an author used a specific word or phrase Apply what you think about those phrases to a situation or conversation in your life.
Reading Stories and Informational 8.2 Be able to tell the Central Idea Know how the author tells you the central idea Details that point to Central Idea Summary Theme
How you show mastery:8.2 On EOG: Real Life Reading: Look back at the text to check to see if you know the central idea of whatever part they ask about. Decide which one of the answer choices covers the most of that specific part. Don’t focus too much on one small detail – put them together! Real Life Reading: Try to understand the major point of what the author wants you to know. Have a purpose for reading set before you start. Apply what you are reading to a real situation or conversation.
Reading Stories and information 8.3 Stories (fiction): How some of the smaller lines / parts can show about a character, help them make a decision, or make something happen Informational (non-fiction): How do people, ideas, and events show what’s going on Analogies Categories comparison
How you show mastery:8.3 On EOG: Real Life Reading: Look for relationships between who, what, and where. Decide which one of the answer choices fits best with the question Always know how the setting effects characterization and plot. Real Life Reading: Try to understand the relationships in the reading. Why is this character doing something in that particular place to that other character? Apply what you are reading to a real situation or conversation.
Craft and Structure How can I figure out words? Why are these words used instead of something else? Why do different writers write so differently? Why is it important for people to have different opinions? Are all authors right just because they are in a book?
Craft and Structure Standards Include: Common Core Webpages: RL&RI 8.4 RL&RI 8.5 RL&RI 8.6
Reading Stories and Informational 8.4 Figurative meaning Connotative Meaning Analogies Allusions What a word means in that story at that moment
How you show mastery 8.4: On EOG: Real Life Reading: Look back in the text to check that the definition works in THIS particular part of the text – context clues Decide which one of the answer choices fits best with the question Always think about how that word fits in the selection. Real Life Reading: Use new words to build your vocabulary while reading. Use context clues, dictionaries, and other people to help you. Apply what you are reading to a real situation or conversation.
Reading Stories and Informational 8.5 Fiction: Compare and Contrast 2 stories for: Meaning: what it’s about Style: words they choose to use Structure: how it is written Non-fiction: Look at 1 paragraph in a text for: Structure: how it is written How it helps with central ideas
How you show mastery: 8.5 On EOG: Real Life Reading: Look for relationships between definitions, statistics, causes and effects, experts opinions, characterization, and dialogue. Decide which one of the answer choices fits best with the question. Real Life Reading: Same as EOG reading Apply what you are reading to a real situation or conversation.
Reading Stories and Informational 8.6 Fiction: Point of View: character vs. Character / character vs. Audience Look at different points of view for: Suspense Humor irony Non-fiction: Figure out the point of view of the author Does he/she see any other sides?
How you show mastery: 8.6 On EOG: Real Life Reading: Look for how the author uses the point of view – not just how you see it, but how the author MEANs it! Decide which one of the answer choices fits best with the question Use the central idea to help you know if you have irony, suspense, or humor in the point of view. Real Life Reading: Try to let yourself be affected by the suspense, irony, or humor. Apply what you are reading to a real situation or conversation.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas How does all this matter today? What did the movie do that the book didn’t and opposite? What is the argument? Does everything make sense? What are all these different people talking about?
Integration of Knowledge Standards Include: Common Core Webpages: 8.7 8.8 8.9
Reading Stories and Informational 8.7 Fiction: How did the movie version do versus the printed version? What choices did the author and producer make differently? Why? Non-fiction: Why might an author want to use something other than print like: Digital text Video Multimedia (powerpoints and other presentations)
How you show mastery: On EOG: Real Life Reading: Not tested until we go to computer tests. If computer test, watch the video clip, and read the section to figure out how the video is different from the written work, and why they changed it. Real Life Reading: Try to understand how the director and writer are trying to persuade you to believe something. Apply what you are reading to a real situation or conversation.
Reading Stories and Informational 8.8 Not for fiction Non-fiction Figure out an argument in the text Does it make sense? Is everything they’re saying for this argument needed?
How you show mastery: 8.8 On EOG: Real Life Reading: Look for relationships between who, what, and where. Decide which one of the answer choices fits best with the question Always know how the point of view affects the position that the author takes. Real Life Reading: Try to understand the argument. What is the author trying to make you believe? Apply what you are reading to a real situation or conversation.
Reading Stories and Informational 8.9 Fiction: How does the fiction today use the fiction from the past? How did they make it seem new? Non-fiction: 2 texts on the same idea looking for: How do they agree? How do they disagree? What information is different?