The End of the Cold War December 1991 Why ? VS.
Cold War Characteristics (1945-1991) Political, strategic and ideological struggle between the US and the USSR that spread throughout the world Containment = foreign policy of U.S- containing the spread of communism (Truman Doctrine, Korean and Vietnam Wars) Space race ( Arms race Red Scare
The former Soviet Union today= 15 independent countries. The Soviet Union (1922-1991) The former Soviet Union today= 15 independent countries.
Both internal and external pressures caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.
External pressure: The Role of Ronald Reagan Reagan turned the Cold War into a moral issue for many Americans. During speeches, he called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire”. Reagan also increased economic pressure on the USSR: The Strategic Defense Initiative (dubbed “Star Wars”) was a plan to protect against a nuclear attack. Satellites would “zap” missiles before they could hit us. This plan out-spent the Soviets!
Internal pressure Political Dissidents (those speaking out against the government) challenged authority of Moscow Nationalism of the Republics as many sought to break from the Soviet Union to become independent. Economic inefficiency; there were too many layers of bureaucracy Government mismanagement; economic planners could not keep up with needs. Corruption at all levels of government
What caused the collapse of the Soviet Union and ultimately the end of the Cold War? 1. Mikhail Gorbachev, the last premier of the Soviet Union, wanted to improve the Soviet economy. 2. Gorbachev initiated perestroika= literally means restructuring of the Soviet economy. He allowed some private business ownership. 3. Gorbachev also initiated glasnost= openness. He encouraged openness of all government institutions and freedom of information was not suppressed. In addition, there was no censorship of the mass media. Once people had a taste of democracy, they no longer wanted to be part of a communist country. One by one, the soviet republics declared their independence. Today 15 independent countries exist from the former Soviet Union.
Mikhail Gorbachev Last leader of the Soviet Union
Symbol of the end of the Cold War: The Tearing Down of the Berlin Wall “Mr. Gorbachev…tear down this wall.” President Ronald Reagan
At least 916 people were killed between 1949 and 1989 while trying to flee from East Germany across razor wire and minefields bristling with machine-guns on tripwire.