Time Line Topic #2 Population
Look up population on these dates: 1779 1820 1837 1843 1848 1850 1854
Here’s what you should have: 1779—one settler and his family 1820—5 families 1837—4170 1843—7580 1848—20,023 1850—28,269 1854—65,782 (35,857 are foreign born)
1779and 1820
Now look up population for these dates: 1856 1860 1870 1880 1890 1897 1900
Here’s what you should have: 1856—84,000 1860—109,206 1870—298,977 1880—503,298 1890—1,099,850 1897—1,490,937 1900—1,698,575
Ready to do it again? Here are some more dates: 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 (put metro also) 1960 (put metro also) 1970 (put metro also) 1980 (put metro also)
Population totals are: 1910—2,185,283 1920—2,701,705 1930—3,376,438 1940—3,396,808 1950—3,621,000; metro 5,600,000 1960—3,550,404; metro 6,794,461 1970—3,369,359; metro 7,085,000 1980—3,005,072; metro 7,057,853
Chicago’s population in the most recent decades: 1990—2,783,726; metro 7,410,818 2000—2,896,016; metro 9,157,450
Write a short summary for this topic, too! What trends and patterns do you notice in the population of Chicago? Why do you think those patterns are there?