National Research Foundation (NRF) In Perspective… website -
Establishment of NRF NRF Act (NRF) (CSD) (FRD) Centre for Science Development (CSD) for Social Sciences & Humanities Foundation for Research Development (FRD) for Natural Sciences & Engineering NRF Act National Research Foundation (NRF) Established April 1999. Line responsibility of Department of Arts, Culture, Science & Technology (DACST)
Operating Units of NRF Research Support Agency (RSA) Pretoria Hartbeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO) Krugersdorp SA Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) Sutherland JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology Grahamstown National Accelerator Centre (NAC) Faure
Object of the NRF “To support and promote research through funding, human resource development and the provision of the necessary research facilities in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of science and technology, including indigenous knowledge and thereby to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of all the people of the Republic”
Worrying Competitive Factors R&D personnel: Total (per 1000 people) (1998): Japan: 894 000 (10.1) USA: 962 700 (5.9) Singapore: 14 900 (3.9) SA: 19 700 (0.7) SA rating out of 47 countries (2000): S&T: 45 People: 47 Overall:39 R&D investment as % of GDP (1998): Japan: 2.9 USA: 2.7 Singapore: 1.8 SA: 0.7 Source ;World Competitiveness Yearbook 2000
NRF in the NSI
Most Relevant Functions of NRF Promote development of HR & research capacity in S & T; Obtain funds (locally & abroad) for research; Promote multi-disciplinary collaboration; Support research by awarding contracts, grants, scholarships or bursaries; Promote technology transfer and implementation of research results; Participate in protection of IPR; Co-operate or enter into agreements with persons, institutions, or government, to fulfil function.
Core Competencies & Key Services of NRF Raising & leveraging funds for research; Sound financial management & accountability; Research management & co-ordination; Research capacity development; IT infrastructure, including internet-enabled grant management system; Research advocacy & science communication; contd.
Core competencies - Contd. Quality assessment & evaluation; Monitoring impact & optimising future investments Strategic advice; Participating in the global arena.
Activities Managed by NRF Primary Beneficiary Funding Partner Value - 2000 Activity R191M Focus areas Grants Bursaries Univ & Tech researchers & students DACST ICE Industry R171M Science Cncl researchers & students THRIP projects R138M DTI Crusader Systems R0.1M Special bursaries Companies
NRF Focus Areas Unlocking the Future; Distinct SA Research Opportunities; Ecosystems and Biodiveristy; Sustainable Livelihoods; Economic Growth and Competitiveness; ICT and the Information Society; Socio-Political Impact Of Globalisation; Indigenous Knowledge Systems; Education for the Knowledge Era.
Performance Indicators for 1999/00 (values include THRIP)
Success Case 1 - VW Manifold THRIP R587 781 VW R674 531 Gemtech R43 000 June 1998 R1,3 m invested at US New inlet manifold for VW engines meeting stringent Chinese requirements; 10 New jobs at VW & US 3 Postgraduates produced More contracts from VW Germany 40 New jobs at Gemtech R25 million Export to China during 2000 Sustained foreign revenue ~R30 million p.a. Manifold in engine Internationally recognised Centre of Excellence in Automotive Engineering March 1999
Research & HR Devt - Univ Stell Case 2 - Crusader Systems 1995 1996 1999 Student in THRIP Spin-off growth Crusader 1 person Crusader 30 persons Tiptop Tech transfer Bursaries Funds Research & HR Devt - Univ Stell Funds Funds Funds THRIP Only SA Co specialising in system products based on AI First innovation (FrothMaster) - being exported monitors production process cost saving R18M in Australian mine won SABS design award 1995 - 1999 Crusader: R1,18M THRIP: R2.25M
Case 3 - Brewing the Best Yeast culture storage technology Students trained 1996 THRIP R36 000 R77 000 SAB staff training SAB Res collaboration Develop Yeast culture storage technology University Free State Lab Tech transf Judged as “Champion Beer” at Interntnl Awards SAB’s Castle Lager Beer Compete 1999
Developing Research Excellence at HBU 1996 Establishment of SANBI at UWC (2 people) Discoveries 1000 new malaria genes Progress on genes causing ulcers RPI gene (disease causes blindness) Unique mechanism of virulence in TB Collaboration with top institutions world-wide Part of Human Genome Project First black PhDs now graduating Training for 150+ honours students Researchers from 17 other SA institutions World class genomics institute with nucleus of bio-informaticists in Africa (25 people) 2000
Developing Res Excellence at Technikon One Rapid Product Devt project in Lab store room (1 person) 1995 Inputs Products Developed Mechanical/Electronic measuring device for inertia & radius of rolling spheres Apparatus for use with Stereolithography 250 Apparatus for use with Rapid Prototyping machine Measuring device for reverse engineering purposes NRF R1.77M THRIP R5.49M IndustryR5.49M Other R3.84M NRF Institutional Devt Progr Internationally recognised Centre for Rapid Prototyping(9 persons) 8 projects at MTech level Core of Technikon Free State Science Park Linked to DACST-funded Technology Station 2000 Senior student setting scanning probe
Partnership Opportunities Partnership types from NRF: Entrepreneurship THRIP Incubators Establish CoEs Partnership types from NRF: Advice Develop tools/progr Manage SAITIS Tech Transfer Industry Innovn Tools
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