Jan. 11, 2016 Please Do Now Sharpen Pencil Collect textbook, Please Do Now (basket by door) Take out journal, planner, pen/pencil that works Begin Please Do Now for Monday (may use textbook pg. 598-599 for assistance)
Review of Biotic / Abiotic Factors Biotic / Abiotic DOL Quiz
Brainstorm Bubble Chart in Small Groups Brainstorm Bubble Chart in Small Groups -Prokaryotic Cells -Eukaryotic Cells Class Discussion:
Scavenger Hunt work in groups of 2 at a whisper voice level Walk around the room to find clues to complete the chart for a grade Once chart is complete return to seat and finish Biotic/Abiotic Cards for outside wall as others finish the scavenger hunt. Once all complete re-group and discuss/correct