Reconstruction rebuilding after the war, bringing south back into Union, fix their economy, and promote African Americans rights Making the states “united” once again
Lincoln’s Plan Reconcile with south, not punish the south South had to accept 13th Amendment Amnesty: pardoned all who took an oath of loyalty to US, except officers and leaders 10 Percent Plan: once 10% of voters took oath to the Union a state could be readmitted
Freedmen’s Bureau Provided food, clothing, healthcare, and education to black and white refugees of the South Represented black citizens in court and in labor disputes Reunited families
Johnson’s Plan Became president after Lincoln was assassinated Similar to Lincoln’s but didn’t require the 10% Allowed officers to be pardoned and take office Accept 13th Amendment, but not the right to vote Accepted by South…many states rejoin the Union
Resistance to Johnson’s Plan Radical Republicans in Congress want African Americans to have suffrage Southern states pass black codes that severely limited the rights of AA and kept them as landless workers Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to give civil liberties to AA but Johnson vetoes it, then Radical Republican override his veto
Congressional Reconstruction Accepted the 13th Amendment (abolished slavery) Passed the 14th Amendment giving citizenship and equal protection under the law to all African Americans Military Reconstruction Act: set up five military districts in the South States had to accept 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
Johnson’s Impeachment Radical Republicans worried Johnson would undermine their plan, so they pass the Tenure of Office Act: Senate had to approve the removal of gov’t officials Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act so the Senate impeaches (accuse him of wrongdoings) Johnson He is not removed from office because he promises to follow Congressional Reconstruction Plan
Grant in Office Grant won the Election of 1868 with the help of AA voters because the 15th Amendment (gave former slaves the right to vote) His entire time in office was plagued with corruption Used the spoils system, his friends were corrupt Worst scandal was the Whiskey Ring in which officials were selling tax stamps for whiskey for less than their real value
Republicans in the South Southerners are Democrats…always vote Democrat=Solid South African Americans support Republicans Jim Crow Laws: laws created in the South to segregate African Americans Scalawags: white Republicans in the South…hated Carpetbaggers: northern Republicans who move South for economic opportunities…hated
The Southern Economy Sharecropping: Landowner provides person with a place to live, seeds and tools and when crops are harvested the renter must give a portion of his crop but interest rates were high and sharecropper stayed in debt Many former slaves become sharecroppers Tenant Farmers: tenant paid rent in cash to a landowner and was free to do whatever with his land
Ku Klux Klan The more progress AA made the more hostile white southerners became Terrorized and intimidated AA by burning homes, schools and churches or beating/killing AA Dressed in white robs and hoods Congress tried to stop them with Enforcement Acts but being in the KKK is not illegal but most of their activities are illegal
The Election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 Republicans (North) win electoral college but Democrats (South) win popular vote Could have led to another rebellion In the end the Compromise of 1877 satisfies both the North and the South North Happy: Republican Rutherford B. Hayes is elected South Happy: troops are removed from the South Significance: Reconstruction is over with the Compromise of 1877 and removal of troops