Developing and using questionnaires
During this session we will… Consider when it might be appropriate to use questionnaires for data collection Examine the different types of question which may be used in questionnaires Consider how we might organise and interpret questionnaire data Undertake practical exercises to develop a questionnaire
Workshop activity Please complete the questionnaire which has been provided The rest will follow! Ask participants to complete a short questionnaire relating to mathematics and teaching
Questionnaire advantages Possible to gain large data sets Can provide a good source of data for comparing individual responses or that of sub-samples Lend themselves well to future replication Can provide a useful primary source of data collection which can be combined with other methods to build a strong data set. May provide both quantitative and qualitative data
Possible difficulties with questionnaires Difficult to write unambiguous and easily understood questions Impersonal and demanding on the time of respondents – can lead to poor response rates
Triangulation by methods Triangulation provides verification of data and strengthens the reliability of data Single method data collection is generally weak Method 1 Questionnaire Method 2 Interviews Method 3 Focus Groups Literature Review
Avoiding problems with wording questions Use simple language Keep questions short Avoid double barrelled questions Avoid leading questions Ask questions only of those who are able to answer them Try to ensure that the questions mean the same for all potential respondents ALWAYS PILOT YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE
Ordering questions Provide a clear introduction which explains why you are conducting this questionnaire Begin with respondent information questions – name, position etc. Divide the questionnaire into sections in order to ensure that there is a clear thread of ideas If you wish to follow up with interviews seek consent at the end of the questionnaire
Introduction Research Aim To analyse the impact of the whole school mathematics project on children’s learning. NB I am asking for quite a lot of personal information and views here; I hope that you will accept my assurance that I will keep the individual respondents identities confidential. If you feel uncomfortable with any particular question, please feel free to ignore it. If any questions appear too vague, please ask for clarification. If you need more space, please use the reverse. Thank you.
Types of question (1) Information questions: Category questions: Provide factual information – not concerned with opinions. – Non contentious e.g.: How long have you taught at this schools Category questions: Used to organise individuals into like groups e.g. Have you ever been, or are you currently the school’s SENCO? Yes (now) Yes (previously) No
Types of question (2) Multiple Choice: Scale: (Likert) Do you see weekly table tests as Essential Desirable Undesirable Scale: (Likert) How do you regard girls attitudes towards mathematics in this school? Very positive Positive Mixed Negative Very negative Not sure
Types of question (3) Ranking: What do you see as the most important personality traits in a mathematics teacher. Please rank from 1-6 with 1 being most important A sense of humour Patience Compassion Energy Enthusiasm Diligence May want to adjust this slide
Types of question (4) Table or Grid: How would you rank the impact of resources used to support learning in mathematics. (please tick one box for each individual only Very positive Positive Neutral Negative Very negative You The children Teaching assistants
Types of question (5) Open ended: Would you like to add any further comments about the teaching of mathematics within your the school? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
E mail questionnaires It may be possible to distribute questionnaires by email Always use the received and read response facility on your email – don’t pester respondents There may be ethical issues about using email if you are asking confidential questions and you don’t know who is opening or has access to the mail.
Analysing Your Questionnaire Look at the Questionnaires on your table Question 1 How might the data be analysed? Question 2 How might this data be analysed? Question 3 Give each table a pile of questionnaires and support them in analysing each question
Using questionnaires with children Questionnaires can be used with children but are difficult to design. Try using pictorial questionnaires with very young children There are some examples in their booklets
A checklist for researchers using questionnaires Ask for minimal information required for the research purpose – don’t make demands on respondent time Ensure that questions can be answered Be aware of respondent sensibilities Triangulate with other approaches Think about how the data will be analysed before sending out the questionnaire