Conclusion: The Authority of Jesus


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Presentation transcript:

Conclusion: The Authority of Jesus THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Matthew 5 – 7 Conclusion: The Authority of Jesus

The Authority of Jesus Jesus did not speak like the Scribes and Pharisees.  

The Authority of Jesus Jesus did not speak like the Scribes and Pharisees. Their authority lay in the authorities they quoted. “It has been said…”  

The Authority of Jesus Jesus did not speak like the prophets.  

The Authority of Jesus Jesus did not speak like the prophets. They spoke the message of their visions. “Thus says the Lord…”  

The Authority of Jesus Jesus spoke in His own name and with His own authority.  

The Authority of Jesus Jesus spoke in His own name and with His own authority. “I say to you…”  

The Authority of Jesus 1. Jesus’ authority as the Teacher. He taught with authority (Matthew 7:29). He taught the message of God (John 7:16).  

The Authority of Jesus 2. Jesus’ authority as the Christ. The Sermon on the Mount contains five direct references to the Kingdom of God (5:3, 10; 6:10, 33; 7:21). Jesus clearly saw Himself as the Christ. He was God’s Messiah who would establish the Kingdom of God.  

The Authority of Jesus 3. Jesus’ authority as the Lord. Jesus did not object to this title (7:21-23). Jesus saw Himself as the Lord and Master. He gave commands, expected obedience, and warned His disciples of spiritual danger.  

The Authority of Jesus 4. Jesus’ authority as the Savior. Jesus knew the way of salvation and taught it. He declared who was blessed and who was not. He pointed to the narrow road that led to life. He described the foundation that was secure.  

The Authority of Jesus 5. Jesus’ authority as the Judge. Jesus spoke of the coming judgment. He taught the way of salvation. He described the punishment of unbelievers. He indicated that He will be the Judge (7:21-23).  

The Authority of Jesus 6. Jesus’ authority as the Son of God. He referred to the will of God “my Father” (7:21). Jesus spoke of “your Father in heaven” (6:14, 15, 18). Jesus never described God as “our Father” in the sense that Jesus and His disciples were on an equal basis with God. Jesus had an exclusive Sonship.  

The Authority of Jesus 7. Jesus’ authority as God. Jesus put Himself on a level with God. His disciples suffer like God’s prophets (5:10-12). Jesus and God are Lord (7:21). Jesus and God are Judges: people would appeal to Jesus on Judgment Day (7:21-23).  

Summary and Conclusion 1. Jesus taught with the authority of God and laid down the law of God. 2. He expected people to build the house of their lives on His words. 3. He said He had come to fulfill the law and the prophets. 4. He was both the Lord to be obeyed ant the Savior to bestow blessing.  

Summary and Conclusion 5. He put Himself at the center of Judgment. 6. He spoke of God as His Father in a unique sense. He described a society which had the standards, values, and priorities of the Kingdom of God. 8. Jesus calls us today to be citizens of this Kingdom. 9. As Kingdom citizens, we receive the blessings of God.