Ad-hoc Activity: Biodiversity and Water Progress Report


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Presentation transcript:

Ad-hoc Activity: Biodiversity and Water Progress Report Strategic Coordination Group Meeting 29 September 2010 Ursula Schmedtje, Jorge Rodriguez Romero and François Kremer Water unit D.1 and Nature unit B.3 DG Environment, European Commission

Ad-hoc activity “Biodiversity and Water” CIS Work Programme 2010-2012 Workshop to be held in spring 2010 Decision on follow-up after the workshop If expert group is agreed, draft mandate to be presented to SCG, CGBN and WDs, NDs at their meetings in autumn 2010 Idea of joint meeting of Water and Nature Directors Letter from DG ENV to Water and Nature Directors in November 2009 WDs agreed to decide this after the workshop

Workshop Biodiversity and Water – Links between WFD and nature legislation 17-18 June 2010 120 participants from MS, NGOs, stakeholders, universities, DG ENV Joint organisation and participation of experts from water and nature administrations Issues discussed: legal and political framework, integrated planning incl. use of exemptions, biodiversity Key conclusions: Good practice examples available but better cooperation needed between water and nature authorities Update FAQ paper to include Illustrative examples MSFD and water-dependent terrestrial ecosystems Additional comments Policy summary for agreement by Water and Nature Directors Future workshops on dedicated themes

Follow-up SCG is invited to discuss and agree on Follow-up of CIS Activity Type of activity (expert group, ad hoc meetings, information exchange through workshops, expert network) Scope (water, marine, nature, biodiversity) Output (guidance document / update of FAQ paper, policy summary, other (tdb)) Lead for activity Joint Water-Marine-Nature Directors Meeting Useful? If yes, Timing (ad-hoc meeting or back-to-back with other WD/MD or Nature Directors’ meeting) Issues for discussions